01 جنوری 2015 353 pp. : ill. Gift of Tyler Depke Feb 10, 2023 Robert Is Here is a family-owned and operated fruit stand in Homestead, Florida, specializingin Rare & Exotic fruits and vegetables.. Although the location started off as a literal Fruit Stand located on the side of the road, it has grown into a...
01 جنوری 1986 Oriented towards an audience of professional citrus growers , production managers and county agents with citrus responsibilities, this course in "Citrus Flowering, Fruit Set and Developiment" was desighned to emphasize horticultural applications and basic concepts.
This book is a delectable guide to the history, cultivation, and propagation of these and a score or so of other "exotic" but nevertheless easy-to-grow fruits and berries. Each is truly edible right off the tree, resistant to pests, temperate-zone hardy, and available eaither at local nurseries...
Provides region-specific information on the planting, growth, harvesting, and storage of thirteen varieties of fruits and berries, including apples, peaches, cherries, pears, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and grapes.
01 جنوری 1986 Joing the ranks of gardeners who are discovering that they can harvest more from less space, and with less effort. Find out how it's possible to keep the garden producing year-round, not matter where you live. All the techniques you need to turn your garden into a lush, productive, nonstop...
01 جنوری 1991 For cooperators in the F/Fred Leucaena Seed Orchard program for production of psyllid-resistant seed from selected parentage. 18 pages, illustrated, photos
01 اپریل 1982 This manual is designed to convey insights into basic horticultural practices and techniques. Primary emphasis is given to providing explanations and illustrations of horticultural practices as they relate to fruit tree production. Care has been taken to make the content realistic and meaningful...
01 اکتوبر 1984 Discusses propagation, planting, pruning, cultivation, and pest control, recommends popular varieties of fruits, nuts, and berries, and lists the conditions required by each plant. 112 pages, illustrated, photos
01 جنوری 1979 Store Publishing Bulletin A-35 Types of grafting are discussed along with ten essentials of successful grafting and budding, and the ten most-asked questions about grafting. 32 pages, illustrated 2 copies