Edible Portion:Leaves - oil, Berries, Spice An evergreen tree. It grows 13 m tall. The bark is brownish. The leaves are leathery and oblong. They are 8-10 cm long and 1-6 cm wide. There are 10-20 pairs of secondary veins. The flowers are small and white. They occur as 15-100 in a group. Thetree...
Edible Portion: Fruit A vigorous trailing bramble. This is a cross between a raspberry and probably a dewberry. The vine looses its leaves during the year. Plants are self fertile. The fruit is a berry. It is long and red but matures to a purple-black. The berry is larger than a Youngberry and...
01 جنوری 1976 The focus throughout this book is small-space gardening. We draw from the work of plant scientists on dwarfing rootstocks and genetic or natural dwarfs; from old and new techniques of pruning and trining that confine plants; and from the experience of home gardeners willing to try something new...
01 جنوری 2001 Fruit, Berry and Nut Inventoryis an essential reference for all backyard fruit growers and commercial orchardists who care about the rich diversity of fruit, berry, and nut varieties offered by mail-order nurseries in the United States. This comprehensive "catalog of catalogs" is now available in...
01 اکتوبر 1984 Discusses propagation, planting, pruning, cultivation, and pest control, recommends popular varieties of fruits, nuts, and berries, and lists the conditions required by each plant. 112 pages, illustrated, photos
01 جنوری 1988 This book contains instructions and information that will be helpful to home gardeners as well as the large growers to do a better job growing and marketing muscadines. 95 pages, illustrated
01 جنوری 1946 This treatise on Small-Fruit Culture has been prepared with the hope that it will prove useful as a text and reference work, and as a guide for field practice.
01 جنوری 1981 This publication discusses the best methods for raising some of themost common fruits such as peaches, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries and red raspberries.
01 اپریل 1995 For both the novice and the adventuresome, the fruit garden can yield many delights for the palate. With today's "nouvelle" cuisine, the enjoyment of small fruit is not limited to the dessert course alone. The Backyard berry Book,a hands-on guide to growing berries, brambles, and vine fruit in...
Provides region-specific information on the planting, growth, harvesting, and storage of thirteen varieties of fruits and berries, including apples, peaches, cherries, pears, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and grapes.