1. 06 اپریل 2021 This book describes how to make compressed earth blocks — low cost but durable — using soil, OPC and a manual block press. It uses material from Practical Action with kind permission This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by MissionAssist Copyright 2021 MissionAssist
  2. 01 جنوری 1985 In many parts of the world, the primary source of energy for such vital activities as cooking and space heating is burning wood and other agricultural products. An increasing population using a dwindling resource of combustible biomass materials will eventually result in a shortage of those...
  3. 01 جنوری 1990 The purpose of this manual is to outline, in as simple a manner as possible, the details of making and burning clay brick suitable for domestic building. The scope of the manual is confined to "cottage industries"; it does not cover large commercial production such as is known in the United...
  4. 01 جنوری 1990 Sun-dried earthen blocks (adobe) have been used as a building material for thousands of years, especially in very dry areas. Clay is mixed with water, and sometimes straw to keep the finished blocks from cracking, and formed by hand into blocks. The blocks are placed in the sun until they are...
  5. 01 فروری 1976 The purpose of this manual is to outline, in as simple a manner as possible, the details of making and burning clay brick suitable for domestic building. 20 pages, illustrated