1. 29 جنوری 2024 Advice on how to make and fit a good pack-saddle so that you and your animal can work better. This uses material from "How to make, fit and use a pack-saddle" published by The Donkey Sanctuary, Devon, United Kingdom, with kind permission. This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by...
  2. 01 جنوری 1986 This handbook discusses factors that can significantly affect the maintenance of quality in fresh fruits, vegetables and florist and nursery stock during cold storage. (2 Copies) 130 pages, illustrated
  3. 01 جنوری 1995 This booklet discusses how agricultural products are harvested and stored by farmers. In most cases, the products are stored without further handling for a shorter or longer period. Unfortunately losses of 25 percent for stored grain crops and 40-50 percent for vegetables are not unusual in the...
  4. 20 ستمبر 2004 Taking human beings into account Producing for the family Post-harvest fisheries Improving dairy products and market links Managing livestock by-products in Iran Improved matmuras: effective but underutilized Traditional storage structures still going strong Changing storage practices The...
  5. 01 جنوری 1996 The use of plant materials for the protection of stored products against insect pests is reviewed. Following an outline of the different methods used for assessing their insecticidal activity, over 120 plants and plant products are listed alphabetically with a brief descritpion of traditional...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Good quality coffee production does not happen by itself – it is a combination of the many aspects of managing coffee plots, and all must be done well if you want to maximise your returns. This video looks at two aspects, the first is picking coffee from the...
  7. 20 فروری 2016 Agriculture Handbook 66 (AH-66) represents a complete revision and major expansion of the 1986 edition. It has been reorganized and now includes 17 Chapters and 138 Commodity Summaries written by nearly a hundred experts in plant science and postharvest technology. This version, like the previous...
  8. Key Resource 01 جنوری 2001 Often the biggest challenge faced by a tropical farmer is not in the production of a crop but rather in the preservation of the crop. Farmers may want to preserve a crop for future consumption or for sale at a time when the market will offer a higher price. Using a solar dehydrator is a simple,...
  9. 01 جنوری 2002 This simple forage cutter provides a mechanism to chop tough grasses or other forages to make them more palatable and digestible for livestock. This results in more efficient food conversion for animals and reduced wastage. It can also be used to chop materials for compost, silage, vermiculture,...
  10. 19 فروری 1998 Successful onion storage is the outcome of a process which begins at the crop planning stage and which continues through cultivation, harvesting and post-harvest handling right through to sale of onions to the consumer.