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  1. La chaya, llamada quelite en nuestro país, es una planta que ha sido cultivada en Mesoamérica desde tiempos prehispánicos. Los mayas la llamaban chay y fueron quienes la heredaron a sus descendientes en la península de Yucatán (México), y Guatemala, aunque pasaron muchos años para que se...

  2. In every region of the world it is necessary to find or develop appropriate techniques for agriculture. A large part of the surface of the world is arid, characterized as too dry for conventional rain fed agriculture. Yet, millions of people live in such regions, and if current trends in...

  3. 07-04-2021 Insect feeding damageor other insect activity can look similar to many bacterial, fungal, or viral diseases or to plant nutrient deficiency symptoms. Before taking action against an assumed insect pest, verify that the symptoms you observe are not caused by a bacterial, viral, or fungal...

  4. 05-10-2019 Animal integration and feeding strategies for the tropical smallholder farm: Approaches and methods for increasing sustainability and profitability Copyright 2019 Keith Mikkelson – ECHO Asia Impact Center Integrated livestock systems can provide many benefits. With careful planning and by...
  5. 20-02-2018 PermacultureForRefugees (P4R) has released their first booklet in a series to bring permaculture solutions to refugee situations. Permaculture for Refugees in Camps is a 20 page how-to guide outlining a positive approaches to transforming refugee camps. It is the culmination of ideas, experience...

  6. 20-04-2017 Conservation Agriculture (CA)—characterized by the three linked principles of minimizing soil disturbance, permanently covering the soil, and including crop rotations and associations – has proven effective at restoring soil health and fertility, improving the capture and use of rainfall, and...

  7. 20-01-2007 Nina Frankel, Anastasia Gage, Measure Evaluation, Cập nhật 2007 Giám sát và đánh giá (M&E) là thành phần thiết yếu của bất kì một can thiệp, một dự án hay một chương trình nào. Khoá học này bao gồm những khái niệm cơ bản về giám sát và đánh giá chương trình trong bối cảnh các chương trình về...

  8. 20-01-2005 This book is an important work for tropical agriculture. There are very few resources that are truly “organic” and practical for the everyday farmer in the tropical setting. This book covers material that is extremely useful for the day-to-day operation of a farm or garden. It contains planning...