1. 01-06-1996 The first 30 issues of Casting Call contain a variety of information, much of which, we believe, is still useful.Vermicomposting, although it has been around long enough to attract worldwide attention, is in many ways, still in a stage of infancy. A dedicated corps of individuals continues in its...
  2. 01-01-1979 Jack Temple has put together a step by step program on how to reduce kitchen and garden waste and at the same time improve garden soil.
  3. 01-10-1994 This booklet contains a variety fo articles outlining effective methods and technologies to compost large portions of organics in the residential and commercial waste streams.
  4. 28-04-2015 Quản lí Dự Án YAS Hermansyah và Anthony, cùng với Ông Bà Kusnadi, đã tham dự Hội Nghị Phát Triển Cộng Đồng và Nông Nghiệp Châu Á ECHO 2011 tại Thái Lan. Mục đích của họ là kết nối các tổ chức và cá nhân như họ, và học tập về các kĩ thuật có thể được thực hiện trong lĩnh vực của họ. Trong suốt hội...
  5. Tài Nguyên Chính 01-03-1998 Worms are the latest (as well as, of course, perhaps the oldest!) trend in earth-friendly gardening, and in this handy guide, the authors of DEAD SNAILS LEAVE NO TRAILS demystify the world of worm wrangling, with everything you need to know to build your own worm bin, make your garden...
  6. Tài Nguyên Chính 01-01-1982 The definitive guide to vermicomposting-a process using redworms to recycle food waste into nutrient-rich food for plants. Newly revised and updated, this 162 page manual provides complete illustrated instructions on setting up and maintaining small-scale worm composting systems. Topics include...
  7. Tài Nguyên Chính 01-01-1977 This complete and informative text tells exactly how to get started in this fascinating and profitable vermiculture business.
  8. 20-07-2009 Worms can be a lucrative and,beneficial addition to a small-scale farming operation. Several times in recent issues of EDN we have mentioned the value of compost. Here we report on the rapid production of compost using worms. Worm-produced compost, also called vermicompost, can be used in gardens...
  9. Worm or vermiculture is a useful technique for recycling kitchen and livestock wastes into a rich organic fertilizer, for producing high-protein feed for poultry and initiating a lucrative business selling worms and worm castings for the small farm. Worms are invaluable partners in building the...
  10. University of Maine Cooperative Extension educator Marjorie Peronto discusses the benefits and best methods of worm composting. Excellent information on using worms to make good stuff for your garden.