Session:The presentation will discuss recent changes being implemented in the TFS Meru Plantation Forest through the ‘Taungya’ management of land. Farmers contract to cultivate land which is planted to forestry species for annual crops until the tree canopy closes, but until recently, did not...
19-08-1986 Water harvesting Indigenous knowledge Dryland management - take a fresh look at local traditions Water and soil conservation by farmers in Burkina Faso Runoff farming in Tunisia Water harvesting in Kenya Water harvesting techniques Herders associations - Niger
01-01-2002 Modalidades de los Servicios que prestan IDEAS a traves del Sub programa de Agricultura Sostenible. Desarrollo de un Plan Completo de Capacitacion. Se trata del desarrollo de modulos teoricos - practicos que se lleva a cabo en las instalaciones de la Escuela Campesina de Agricultura Sostenible,...
01-01-2021 Water scarcity is a critical issue for agriculture, and, hence, efficient management and conservation practices for agricultural water use are essential for adapting to and mitigating the impacts of current and future discrepancy between water supplies and water demands. This Special Issue...
29-12-2015 Here is the definitive guide to growing healthy organic vegetables without wasting our precious water resources! This incredibly timely book will give dedicated home gardeners the know-how to grow delicious produce in dry times, focusing on four different low-water conditions in the western...
Tài Nguyên Chính01-09-1996 Indigenous soil and water conservation practices are rarely acknowledged in the design of conventional development projects. Instead, the history of soil and water conservation in Africa has been one of imposing external solutions without regard for local practice. There is a remarkably diverse...
01-04-1998 This research illustrates that the traditional practice of burning the fields prior to planting creates extreme runoff and erosion hazard. Technical Bulletin no. 98-2 21 pages, illustrated, photos
In Soil and Water Conservation in Semi-Arid Kenya, the performance of soil and water conservation measures in rainfed cropping in the drier parts of Kenya is investigated, and the results of technical and economic analysis shown. Particular emphasis is given to the yield benefits and economic...
This publication represents the best collective judgment on research priorities by a group of informed and dedicated people concerned with the future role of our soil and water resources in meeting human needs.