Tài nguyên được gắn thẻ với: West Africa
304 đề mục được tìm thấy (Hiển thị 271 - 280) Trước | Tiếp theo
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- 03-04-2018 ECHO WEST AFRICA in partnership with A E L (Associattion of Evangelical of Liberia) organizes a workshop on sustainable agriculture from 3rd to 5th April 2018. This workshop aims to build the capacity of people fighting hunger, poverty and those who serve the poor in Africa. the workshop will run...
- 20-01-2014 Animal products are vital to the diets and livelihoods of people across Sub-Saharan Africa. However, they are frequently traded in local, unregulated markets and this can pose significant risks to health. Usefully illustrated with 25 case studies of the meat, milk, egg and fish food sectors drawn...
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- Điều này cũng có sẵn trong:
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