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  1. NUTRITIONFACTS.ORGis a strictly non-commercial, science-based public service provided by Dr. Michael Greger, providing free updates on the latest in nutrition research via bite-sized videos. There are more than a thousand videos on nearly every aspect of healthy eating, with new videos and...
  2. 2018-08-09 Session: The session will focus on how Citizen Voice and Action (CVA) approach will improve nutrition and health system strengthening at the community level. Biographical information: Esther Mongi has Masters degree in Business Administration, currently working as a Gender and Advocacy Manager at...
  3. 1993-10-19 The following is abstracted from information provided by Noel Vietmeyer with the USA National Academy of Sciences which appeared in the June 1993 issue of Spore Magazine.. "Throughout the developing world boiled starchy grains and roots are given as weaning food.... Boiled starch is so thick and...
  4. The SPRING Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Training Resource Package is a collection of our very best training work, including presentations, activities, handouts, and session guides. Successful multisectoral training is key for developing the collaboration that nutrition-sensitive activities...
  5. Nutrition and biodiversity converge to a common path leading to food security and sustainable development. They feature directly theMillennium Development Goals (MDGs): halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger; and ensure environmental sustainability. In combination, nutrition and...
  6. The Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally project (SPRING) is dedicated to strengthening global and country efforts to scale up high-impact nutrition practices and policies. SPRING provides state-of-the-art technical support focused on preventing stunting and...
  7. TheTechnical and Operational Performance Support (TOPS) Programis theUSAID/Food for Peace-funded learning mechanism that generates, captures, disseminates, and applies the highest quality information, knowledge, and promising practices in development food assistance programming practices to...
  8. Session:The session will focus on how Citizen Voice and Action (CVA) approach will improve nutrition and health system strengthening at the community level. Biographical information:Esther Mongi has Masters degree in Business Administration, currently working as a Gender and Advocacy Manager at...
  9. Abstract, The Journal of Nutrition, 2002 Policies for protecting the nutrition of displaced people (including refugees) have evolved significantly since the sharp increase in numbers began in the 1970s. Food supplies have often been grossly inadequate, probably contributing to the very high...
  10. The Journal of Nutrition(JN/J Nutr) publishes peer-reviewed original research papers covering all aspects of experimental nutrition in humans and other animal species; special articles such as reviews and biographies of prominent nutrition scientists; and issues, opinions, and commentaries on...
  11. The Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) is the gateway to knowledge for Food and Nutrition Security. We act as knowledge brokers, connecting people and networks in business, science, civil society and policy to (co-)create, exchange and use knowledge for inclusive and ecologically...
  12. 2018-08-09 Session: Mwivano will talk on how different practices has been used to improve nutrition in dry lands Biographical information: Mwivano Malimbwi, Clinician and Nutritionist, More than 15 years of working in MNCH and Nutrition sectors, Expert in Facility and community based intervention which...
  13. Abstract,World Bank, 2018 The high cost of nutritious foods can worsen poor diets and nutrition outcomes especially among low-income households. Yet little is known about the spatial and temporal patterns of the cost of nutritious diets in South Asia, where malnutrition in multiple forms remains...
  14. Abstract, 2018,Diana V Luna-GonzálezandMarten Sørensen OBJECTIVE: Child undernutrition remains one of the greatest challenges for public health nutrition in rural areas in developing countries. Interventions aiming to increase and conserve agrobiodiversity seem to be promising alternatives to...
  15. 2011-01-20 Presenting nutrition and biodiversity as a single issue is one of the main rationales of the Cross-Cutting Initiative on Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition, which is led by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with Bioversity International. The overall...
  16. Does taking moringa cause side effects? Before asking this question, stop thinking of moringa as a medicine and think of it as what it really is, a nutritious vegetable. Replace your question with the name of your favorite nutritious vegetable, for example “Are there side effects from eating...
  17. Abstract - HindawiJournal of Chemistry Moringa oleiferais a tree distributed in Mexican semiarid and coastal regions.M. oleiferais used in practice in the treatment of various diseases and is available without a medical prescription, often in the form of an herbal infusion for everyday use. The...
  18. A recent paper by Dr Carl Lachat of Ghent University,Jessica Raneriof Bioversity International, and others introduces Dietary Species Richness, a new food biodiversity indicator to help examine the correlation between agrobiodiversity and diet quality. Nutrition Research Specialist, Raneri...
  19. Current CTA Spore magazine articles dealing with a wide variety of topics related to nutrition and health.
  20. As SPRING approaches its final month of implementation, this is the43rdand final edition of theAgriculture-Nutrition Resource Review. Thank you for being a part of our community and engaging with us in learning about integrating nutrition and agriculture to improve the health and wellbeing of...
  21. 2018-08-09 Session: Malnutrition is a major contributor to poor health and poverty among rural communities. Therefore, to improve the wellbeing of local communities, identification of signs and symptoms of malnutrition, poor health and the intersection between the two is critical. It is also important that...
  22. Abstract, The Journal of Nutrition, 2007 Dietary quality is an important limiting factor to adequate nutrition in many resource-poor settings. One aspect of dietary quality with respect to adequacy of micronutrient intakes is bioavailability. Several traditional household food-processing and...
  23. 良好的营养是我们抵御疾病的第一道防线,是我们生命和保持活跃的能量来源。不合理饮食造成的营养问题可能多种多样,而当其影响一代年轻人时,则会使他们的学习能力降低,从而影响他们的未来,造成贫困和营养不良的世代循环,对个人和国家产生严重后果。 虽然幼儿最易受营养不良的影响,但是获得足够食物的权利是普遍的,所有的人都需要良好的营养。营养不良包括营养不足、微量营养素缺乏和肥胖,它存在于所有国家及社会经济各阶层。 诸如气候变化、环境可持续性和技术迅速发展等新出现的挑战正在改变粮食体系并提出了如何以可持续的方式养活不断增长的世界人口的问题。 与此同时,不平衡的经济增长、...

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