1. 1998-01-19 Highland agriculture in northern Thailand is undergoing rapid changes, some for better, some for worse. These changes affect the livelihood of highland minority peoples as well as the livelihood of large rural and urban lowland Thai communities. They also affect the ecological balance of the rich...
  2. Farming Matters Magazine -- Burnette, R. and A. Bicksler (2016) -- In recent decades, resource challenged hill tribe farmers and gardeners in northern Thailand have recognised the importance of various threatened species that yield non-timber forest products.Conserving these species in...
  3. Abstract :Traditional agrosilvopastoral systems have been an important component of the farming systems and livelihoods of thousands of ethnic minority people in the uplands of Mainland Southeast Asia. Drawing on a combination of qualitative and participatory inquiries in nine ethnic minority...
  4. The Agroecology Learning alliance in South East Asia (ALiSEA) is supported and coordinated at national and regional level by GRET (www.gret.org). ALiSEA’s goal is to enable local and regional agroecology stakeholders to leverage one another’s expertise to produce evidence based studies and share...
  5. 2017-05-23 History, figures and examples of landslides in Nepal as well as factors that trigger landslides.
  6. 2017-01-20 Despite the significant impacts of alien plant species (IAS), there has not been a concerted effort to tackle the problem across the region. This can mainly be ascribed to a lack of policy, little awareness and limited capacity at a national and regional level. The UN Environment-Global...
  7. 2018-02-06
  8. 2017-08-15 Featured in this AN: Inexpensive Mass Propagation Techniques for Introducing Improved Potato Varieties in the Tropics Comparing Locally Available Waste By-Products as Feedstocks forGasifier Cook-Stoves Book Review:Sustainable Agro-Watershed Management
  9. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 32. 简介 对于许多发展中国家的家庭而言,烹饪所需的日常能量是繁重且昂贵的。 幸运的 是,对于家庭而言,低成本的烹饪方法越来越容易,这些方法需要更少的燃料,同时 得以更加清洁和有效地燃烧。 一种行之有效的方法是家用气化炉灶,家用气化炉灶旨 在将少量的碳基固体生物质(通常来自废物或低成本物质)转化为用于烹饪的可燃气 体(参见Dussadee 博士关于气化炉如何工作来获取更多信息) 工作(2013))。 与燃烧传统木材或其他生物质的烹饪技术相比,气化炉烹饪炉具有许多优点。 在 气化炉中燃烧二次气体(热解)...
  10. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 32. Dr. Tapani Haapala 主旨: 土豆可产生大量蛋白质和其他所需的营养素。 因为气候炎热,土豆在热带地区难以生长。 适合热带地区种植的新品种 急需事半功倍的原料制造方法 测试中的新的高效方法