1. 2013-01-20
  2. 2017-12-11 Featured in the AN: An Innovative, Inexpensive, Environmentally Friendly Method to Pasteurize Mushroom Media in the Tropics Using a Styrofoam Box Op-Ed: Forage Plants for Improved Human Development
  3. 2018-01-17 ECHO Asia, in conjunction with the PMA CSSDD (Pathein Myaungmya Sgaw Karen Baptist Association- Christian Social Services Development Division), with funding from the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP-USA) and the Agroecology Learning Alliance in SE Asia (ALiSEA), welcomes anyone working in...
  4. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 33. 平菇(Pleurotus ostreatus)等蘑菇通常生长在装有有机物质的塑料袋中,这些有机物质可能包括有机农业废弃物。该材料必须消毒(加热到100以上)或巴氏灭菌(加热到更低 的温度,60或更高)才能防止细菌、病毒和真菌孢子的污染。然而,由于能源需求,消毒和巴氏杀菌对小农户来说很有挑战性。通常,小规模农民使用滚筒杀菌法,在此过程中,水被加热至沸腾。农民必须购买或收集木柴来加热水(一项昂贵和/或劳动密集型的工作)。木炭的购买和制造成本更高。此外,滚筒灭菌的结果可能不一致,...
  5. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 33. 我拜读了David Price对于在亚洲(注25)推广入侵性饲料植物的观点,并希望根据自己的经验和观察做出回应。 我的答复将基于以下原则: 1. 尽一切可能帮助贫困农民这种行为完全合乎道德。 2. 人类活动的主要目的是改善人类的生存状况。因此,保护自然环境不一定是发展活动的首要目标。 在过去的45年里,我一直在向小农推广David列出的所有物种的使用和扩展。我想解决谈谈David对亚洲(注25)中列出的每一种物种的开发。我现在住在泰国北部,所以我将使用当地的例子,...
  6. 2017-12-12 Conference Proceedings The 6th Biennial ECHO Asia Agriculture and Community Development Conference Editors’ Note In an effort to expand the dissemination of technical materials and best practices presented during this year’s ECHO Asia Agriculture & Community Development Conference, the ECHO...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video Contour hedgerows slow the speed of water coming down the slope and allow the water to infiltrate. They also allow the washed away soil and nutrients to settle out above the hedgerows. You can plant many different grasses, depending on what you need and what is...
  8. Chaya grows easily in Cambodia Chaya (Cnidoscolus chayamansa or C. aconitifolius) is a perennial plant that grows easily throughout Cambodia. Many people know it by the name “spinach tree”. If left alone, a Chaya plant can grow to be a small tree about 4- 5m high. By pruning the plant, it grows...
  9. The DIRECTORY was first compiled in September 1988. It is updated regularly, as we become aware of new publications. Most of the tables are not held by the INFOODS Secretariat, and many are out of print. However, numbers of copies are held in libraries around the world and can often be obtained...
  10. ASEANFOODS is the Association of Southeast Asian Networks of Food Data systems. It was established in 1986 by the ASEAN Subcommittee on Protein: Food habit Research and Development, with 6 member countries including Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand....