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  1. (For the small holders at village level)
  2. Onion ((Allium cepa) is a recently introduced crop to Ethiopia. The release of a variety from introduced materials (from Sudan) has marked the beginning of extensive production of onion in the country. Ever since the crop is distributed to different parts of the country and is now become an...
  3. This Framework is written mainly for those actively involved in rural land evaluation. Since most land suitability evaluations are at present carried out for purposed of planning by national and local governments, this is the situtaion assumed in references to decision-making, but the evaluation...
  4. Key Resource 01-06-1961 In this study by FAO of the UN an attempt has been made to provide a world-wide review of some aspects of the production, control and distribution of seeds.
  5. 20-01-2018 Abstract: Farmers play a crucial role in the preservation and sustainable use of agrobiodiversity. In fact, the diversity of species that support our current agricultural production systems has been carefully managed and shaped by farming communities, over the course of the history of humankind....
  6. 20-07-2019 With 821 million people still hungry (FAO et al., 2018), it is clear that the global agriculture and food systems are not meeting the world’s demand for food. This tension is likely to be exacerbated as food systems will continue to face multi-dimensional, complex and mounting challenges...
  7. This booklet is concerned with hydrology (the branch of science concerned with the properties of the earth's water, and especially its movement in relation to land.) for agriculture in arid zones.
  8. 01-01-1977 This publication reports on progress that has been made to develop a means of measuring soil degradation.
  9. This document is a synthesis of the papers presented and the subsequent discussions, both formal and informal, during the course of the meeting. The meeting was the latest in a long series that started 25 years ago, with the objective of reviewing the state of knowledge concerning the role of...
  10. Key Resource 01-01-1975 Seed technology comprises the methods of improving the genetic and physical characteristics of seed. It involves such activities as variety development, evaluation, and release and seed production, processing, storage, and quality control. These are the main components of a healthy seed industry,...
  11. 01-01-1979 This FAO report is from a study tour of 15 communes in the Peoples' Republic of China in 1978 to specifically see Azolla production and biogas production. 81 pages, illustrated, photos FAW Soils Bulletin 41
  12. Report on an FAO/UNDP Study Tour to the People's Republic of China 28 April-24 May 1977 This manual purpose is to acquant senior staff from developing countries with practices in the recycling of organic wastes in agriculture and to exchange experience.
  13. 01-01-1981 This FAO publication provides information on rural energy systems including energy use and energy production ot efficiently use fossil fuels and expand renewable energy. 59 pages
  14. 20-01-2008 Assessing nutrition and biodiversity together, using a suite of indicators, is at the heart of the new Cross-cutting Initiative on Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition, led by FAO in collaboration with Bioversity International and other partners. Biodiversity and nutrition play their parts at...
  15. 20-01-2011 Presenting nutrition and biodiversity as a single issue is one of the main rationales of the Cross-Cutting Initiative on Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition, which is led by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with Bioversity International. The overall...
  16. 20-01-2011 Dramatic changes are taking place in farming worldwide as a result of globalisation, liberalisation, and rapid urbanisation. Farmers are intensifying existing patterns of production and diversifying their farm enterprises in an attempt to improve their livelihoods. Technical know-how is not...
  17. 01-01-1984 FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin 41 145 pages, illustrated
  18. This booklet surveys some of that collaboration and tell what FAO is doing to embody the WCARRD principles in its own work. It discusses tools for guilding and measuring progress in agrarian reform and rural developmently, collaboration among agencies and countries; and most importantly,...
  19. 20-01-2013 Principles for Mediterranean climate areas A very significant event in the world history of Agriculture is the domestication of plants by mankind. Instead of depending on wild growth, it was realized that the planting of seeds or cuttings allowed the propagation of the type of plants desired....
  20. 20-01-2018 Recovering the traditional culinary knowledge of women in Latin America and the Caribbean for food biodiversity management and enhancement This document reflects the integrated vision of agrobiodiversity with the role of women as guardians and protectors of foods of high nutritional value. Rural...
  21. The purpose of this publication is to explain how agro-ecological zones work and what questions these studies can answer.
  22. To help developing countries take full advantage of its services, the Investment Centre keeps its administravtive procedures as simply as possible. The easiest way for a Governement to request help is by contacting the FAO country Representative or by writing to the Director of the Investment...
  23. 20-01-2009 Mushroom cultivation can help reduce vulnerability to poverty and strengthens livelihoods through the generation of a fast yielding and nutritious source of food and a reliable source of income. Since it does not require access to land, mushroom cultivation is a viable and attractive activity for...
  24. in writing this book the authors have had two kinds of readers in mind. The first is the economic or political decision maker who is neither a specialist in water sciences nor has the time to study long and learned works, and the second is the student or the interested layman who wants to obtain...
  25. 01-01-1982 The purpose of this workshop was to promote irrigated agriculture through the introduction of improved water lifting techniques and water use practices. More specifically, it was intended to provide participants with an opportunity to observe and study water lifting devices and water management...
  26. 20-01-2016 Pulses have been an essential part of the human diet for centuries. Yet their nutritional value is not generally recognized and their consumption is frequently under-appreciated. Undeservedly so, as pulses play a crucial role in healthy diets, sustainable food production and, above all, in food...
  27. 20-10-2013 Quinoa was a staple food of the Quechua and Aymara peoples in the Andes region of South America; today it is mainly grown in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador. Because of its high nutritional value, quinoa is called chisiya, meaning ‘mother grain’ in the Quechua language. Quinoa is known for its great...
  28. 20-01-2011 This book is an effort by FAO to compile an up-to-date, comprehensive text on rural structures and services in the tropics, focusing on structures for small- to medium-scale farms and, to some extent, village-scale agricultural infrastructure. The earlier edition, entitled Farm structures in...
  29. 19-01-1986 This book is an effort by FAO to compile an up-to-date, comprehensive text on rural structures and services in the tropics, focusing on structures for small- to medium-scale farms and, to some extent, village-scale agricultural infrastructure. The earlier edition, entitled Farm structures in...
  30. The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) has put together a guide about intensifying crop production in sustainable ways. The guide’s overview states, “The ‘Save and Grow’ model of crop production intensification, proposed by FAO, aims at increasing both yields and...
  31. 05-05-2012 Plant breeding activities lead to the development and release of improved crop varieties. The purpose of releasing improved crop varieties is to increase productivity and overall crop production to anchor food security. Food security is achievable through mass utilization of varieties which are...
  32. 20-01-2010 Seeds are critical for addressing the dual challenges of food insecurity and climate change. Farmers depend on quality seed of appropriate varieties to attain food security. However, in recent times, natural disasters, such as droughts, floods and hurricanes, and human-caused disasters, such as...
  33. 20-01-2019 Despite almost a century of research and extension efforts, soil erosion by water, wind and tillage continues to be the greatest threat to soil health and soil ecosystem services in many regions of the world. Our understanding of the physical processes of erosion and the controls on those...
  34. 01-01-2014 Aquaponics is a symbiotic integration of two mature disciplines: aquaculture and hydroponics. This technical paper discusses the three groups of living organisms (bacteria, plants and fish) that make up the aquaponic ecosystem. It presents management strategies and troubleshooting practices, as...
  35. 20-01-2015 The main objectives of The State of the World’s Soil Resources are: (a) to provide a global scientific assessment of current and projected soil conditions built on regional data analysis and expertise; (b) to explore the implications of these soil conditions for food security, climate change,...
  36. 30-04-2007 This publication describes how pasture, fodder and livestock production have been integrated into conservation agriculture systems in Brazil's tropical zones. Vast areas of forest have been cleared in the tropical areas of Brazil for establishment of pastures that become unproductive once the...
  37. 01-01-1991 The development of video technology has made it increasing attractive as a medium to support field projects. This book contains guidelines for the use of video communication technology within FAO field projects. 68 pages, illustrated
  38. Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition This e-learning course is the result of a collaboration between GODAN Action partners, including Wageningen Environmental Research (WUR), AgroKnow, AidData, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Global Forum on...
  39. 20-01-2022 FAO, Rikolto and RUAF.2022.Urban and peri-urbanagriculture sourcebook– From production to food systems.Rome, FAO and Rikolto. The purpose of this book is to set out the key lessons learned and to provide recommendations and guidance based on existing cases and...
  40. Visual narratives using the 10Elements of Agroecology can guide the holistic visioning needed to better understand transformative change and plausible transitions towards sustainable agriculture and food systems. By sharing similar underlying storylines, assumptions and responses to drivers of...
  41. Over the past few years, a number of events and influences have re-emphasized the importance of food composition work. The December 1992 International Conference on Nutrition (ICN) called for increased attention to improved nutrition and examined this topic in a broad way, considering improved...
  42. Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) AGORA, led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is a programme that provides free, or low-cost access to major subscription based scientific journals and e-books in the fields of food, agriculture, fisheries,...
  43. Reviewed by Tim Motis If you are looking for information on underutilized or neglected crops, be aware of the Compendium of Forgotten Foods in Africa, released by the Food and Agriculture Organization in March 2024. It features 100 food crops in Africa that are largely forgotten in terms of...
  44. Imma Subirats-Coll, Kristin Kolshus, Andrea Turbati, Armando Stellato, Esther Mietzsch, Daniel Martini, Marcia Zeng, AGROVOC: The linked data concept hub for food and agriculture, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume 196, 2022, 105965, ISSN 0168-1699,...
  45. 20-01-2021 For centuries, vaccinating animals has been the most cost‐ effective and sustainable measure to prevent and control infectious emerging and reemerging diseases. A prominent example of the merit of vaccination practices in eliminating major infectious animal epizootics is that of rinderpest, which...
  46. Key Resource To re-establish food production and create a farming system that provides for better food security and assurances for sustained production and income, the FAO aims to build upon its experiences over the past years in their DRR/M programmes and to provide practical guidance in the introduction of...
  47. ‘“Business as usual” is no longer an option for a food-secure future. Pastoralism can be an innovative system: a time-tested, undervalued alternative to high-input and resource-intensive farming, and a valuable lesson for the much needed evolution towards ‘farming with nature’, with...
  48. With the objective of gaining a better insight into the challenges and opportunities of the livestock sub-sector in West Africa, FAO has conducted several studies and held various workshops in recent years. The outcomes of these studies and workshops conducted between 2009 and 2014 were published...
  49. Pastoralists make the most of resources distributed unevenly over space and time to provide a range of goods and services. Operating in a shock-prone environment, pastoralists deploy endogenous strategies such as mobility, diversification in agriculture or in non-agricultural activities,...
  50. This study, the third of its type published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), adds further evidence that in mountain regions of developing countries, food insecurity, social isolation, environmental degradation, exposure to the risk of disasters and to the...
  51. 01-01-2021 This publication provides information on the top 10 benefits Pastoralism on a community and the environment.Pastoral activities span more than 100 countries, and contribute to global development and food security. This presents opportunities for securing widespread benefits of pastoralism and its...
  52. The occurrence and spread of an animal health threat can be prevented when a timely assessment of the risk is carried out to inform prevention, response and control measures. These technical guidelines on rapid risk assessment (RRA) are designed as a simple and practical tool to be used by...
  53. Animal health emergencies are evolving, but they remain among the most challenging situations a country can confront. Infectious diseases and other threats have increasing potential to spread rapidly within a country or around the world due to growing populations, concentration of animal...
  54. This guide constitutes a tool intended for actors on the ground in Niger. It aims to contribute to the improvement of pastoral land governance and in particular to the prevention and resolution of conflicts and to the development of inclusive consultation processes. The guide is unique because it...
  55. FAO, 2021 A Tool to Strengthen Local Land Governance Respecting free, prior and informed consent is a collective right that belongs to every member of a community. This means that communities have the right to make decisions through their own freely chosen representatives and their institutions,...
  56. 20-01-2022 This training of trainers (ToT) manual aims to provide insights into the operation, maintenance and basic repair of farm machinery. It provides an overview of the main concepts of equipment that can facilitate sustainable agriculture practices, with examples and guidelines on the topic. Its...
  57. 01-01-2011 Originally published in 1998, this was updated in 2011 based on th most recent information regarding the conservation status and use of various tropical palm species. 240 pages, charts, photos Non-wood Forest Products, 10/Rev. 1