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  1. 1992-01-01 The previous editions of this Agrodok, published in 1992 and 1999, gave a general introduction into fruit growing in the tropics and described 8 major crops. Working on this revision, the general introduction quickly filled the entire Agrodok! And if the major fruit crops are to be dealt with...
  2. 1990-01-19 Poultry is an important farm species in almost all countries. It is an important source of animal protein, and can be raised in situations with limited feed and housing resources. Chickens are ‘waste-converters’: they ‘convert’ a scavenged feed resource base into animal protein. They are...
  3. 1984-01-19 This Agrodok will focus on a few simple and relatively inexpensive preservation techniques that can be applied on a small scale by an individual or a small group (of families for example). Chapter 2 provides information on food spoilage in general, its causes and dangerous effects, as well as...