Todas las plantas necesitan ciertos elementos minerales para un crecimiento, desarrollo y mantenimiento adecuados. La estructura básica de todos los organismos está formada por carbono (C), oxígeno (O) e hidrógeno (H). Las plantas obtienen estos elementos del agua (H2O) en el suelo y dióxido de carbono (CO2) en el aire, por lo que no se requiere ningún aporte más allá de estar seguro de que la planta tenga un suministro de agua adecuado para satisfacer sus necesidades. Transformar el H2O y el CO2 en bloques de construcción orgánicos; sin embargo, es un proceso complejo que requiere la ayuda de, al menos, otros 13 elementos.

Tres elementos, nitrógeno (N), fósforo (P) y potasio (K), se requieren en cantidades relativamente grandes y se conocen como primarios o macronutrientes. El N es un componente importante de todas las proteínas, por lo que es parte integral de la estructura de la planta. El P es un componente menor de la proteína, pero es parte integral de las moléculas que controlan el flujo de energía dentro de la planta y es un componente del material genético. El papel del K parece ser el de mantener la concentración de sal correcta en la savia de la planta. N, P, y K, en proporciones variables, son los componentes principales de todos los fertilizantes químicos. Según el origen del fertilizante, sus cantidades presentes se pueden expresar como N, P2O5, y K2O.

  1. Recurso clave
    20/1/2009 Todas las plantas necesitan de ciertos elementos minerales para el crecimiento y desarrollo adecuado, y mantenimiento. La estructura básica de todos los organismos es construido de carbono (C), oxigeno (O) e hidrogeno (H). Las plantas obtienen estos elementos del agua (H2O) en el suelo y del...
  2. 20/7/2005 Joel Matthewsreceived some feedbackabout his comments on low fertility soil and traditional varieties in EDN 86. In response, he sent the following additional comment.
  3. 20/1/2002 The conventional view of the relationship between soil nutrients and crop productivity in the tropics is leading to both damaging agricultural policies and inefficient and damaging farm-level practices. There is no need to use the huge quantities of chemical fertilizers that are so often...
  4. 20/4/2013 Un importante principio de la agriculturade conservación es la aplicación dirigida,de precisión, de fertilizantes orgánicos oinorgánicos cerca de la plantas cultivadas,al contrario de la aplicación dispersa delos insumos en un campo entero. En unesquema de surcos, esto puede hacerseaplicando el...
  5. 1/7/2022 Este sistema de compostaje de pollinaza ha sido adaptado del sistema enseñado por Geoff Lawton, consultor de permacultura, diseñador, autor y profesor. A Jordan le enseñó este sistema Geoff Lawton en uno de sus Cursos de Diseño de Permacultura y luego lo trajo y lo adaptó al contexto de la Finca...
  6. 20/1/2005 Maradi Integrated me ha forzado a cuestionar la sabiduría de suponer que los incrementos de contenido orgánico y fertilidad son siempre lo mejor.
  7. This section looks at the way in which soil quality can be maintained and improved through a number of techniques including the use of fertilizer, manure and compost.
  8. 8/2/2017 Cover crops play a key role in sustainable agriculture by providing sustainable sources of nutrients as well as protective soil cover to minimize erosion and reduce moisture stresses. Examples of successful cover cropping systems in East Africa will be illustrated as well as constraints and...
  9. 20/4/2020 The editable source documents (.docx and .pub)of these materials are available in many other languages fromthe CFGB database. The source documents are updated periodically so check here for the most current formats. We encourage you to adapt the source for your purposes. Learning Outcomes –...
  10. Abstract, Makerere University Dissertations, 2019 Low crop yields due to low erratic rainfall, high evapo-transpiration, and deteriorating soil fertility in semi-arid areas of the country, have led to a quest for sustainable production practices with greater resource use efficiency in order...
  11. 12/2/2019 Session: Ken’s research focuses on smallholder farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa, and in particular problems of soil fertility with emphasis on nitrogen fixation by legumes and the temporal and spatial dynamics of resources within crop/livestock farming systems. Biographical information: Ken...
  12. Small holder farmers and practitioners from Tanzania share agroecology best practices to improve soil fertility. English Subtitles
  13. 20/12/2012
  14. 20/11/2019 Swahili Only
  15. 20/1/2011
  16. 6/2/2018 Speaker Bio: Dr. Tom Thompson is Associate Dean and Director of International Programs in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Professor of Agronomy at Virginia Tech. He earned B.S. , M.S. , and Ph.D. degrees in agronomy and soil science. He was an academic department head at two...
  17. Session:Ken’s research focuses on smallholder farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa, and in particular problems of soil fertilitywith emphasis on nitrogen fixation by legumes and the temporal and spatial dynamics of resources within crop/livestock farming systems. Biographical information:Ken...
  18. 4/10/2017 It is often a problem in tropical soils farmed by smallholders that the soil is nutrient-depleted and acidic, costing the farmer more money and yielding less valuable crops. In an attempt to overcome this, Dr. Tom will discuss different ways of evaluating important soil properties and thus...
  19. Pueden diagnosticarse cuatro deficiencias de nutrientes—fósforo, potasio, nitrógeno y magnesio—observado las hojas del maíz. Este documento incluye fotos de hojas sanas de maíz y hojas que muestran cada una de las deficiencias de estos nutrientes. También contiene sugerencias de cómo abordar cada...
  20. 16/2/2015 Every February-March, rice fields are burned throughout Thailand. These very low temperature burns produce huge amounts of smoke that causes serious public health problems, as well as greenhouse gases, smog precursors, dioxin and furans. This practice also destroys valuable organic matter...
  21. 3/10/2017 Soils of smallholder farmers are often depleted of organic matter and available soil nutrients, and may also be acidic and/or saline. We will review the causes and extent of these soil-related challenges in the developing world. A variety of possible management responses to these challenges will...
  22. 6/2/2018 Speaker Bio: Dr. Tom Thompson is Associate Dean and Director of International Programs in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Professor of Agronomy at Virginia Tech. He earned B.S. , M.S. , and Ph.D. degrees in agronomy and soil science. He was an academic department head at two...
  23. AccessAgriculture Training Video El objetivo principal es reducir costos y mejorar la rentabilidad. La salud del suelo se mejora igual que la humedad del suelo. Zambia es el líder en África subsahariana y este programa muestra cómo se practica la técnica. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Birmano...
  24. Access Agriculture Training Video For healthy crops you need a healthy soil, because a healthy soil contains many good microbes and earthworms. To prepare biofertilizer for half a hectare, you need 10 kg fresh cow dung, cow urine, flour from chickpeas or another pulse, jaggery or unrefined sugar,...
  25. Access Agriculture Training Video Vermiwash is the liquid that is collected after water passes through compost made by earthworms. It is rich in plant growth hormones, micro-nutrients, and major nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bariba Bemba...
  26. AccessAgriculture Training Video Introducción a las prácticas de manejo sostenible de tierra que han sido comprobadas en África. Pueden ayudar a controlar la degradación de la tierra y mejorar la producción para los campesinos, a pesar de los desafíos del cambio climático. Idiomas disponibles...
  27. AccessAgriculture Training Video El manejo integrado de la fertilidad del suelo se basa en maximizar el uso de los abonos orgánicos, y minimizando la pérdida de los nutrientes. Idiomas disponibles Bemba Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga Español Francés Inglés Kiswahili Tumbuka
  28. Access Agriculture Training Video Mix legumes and grasses to improve the soil fertility, and the nutritional value of the feed. It also improves the yields of the potatoes that you plant next. If you are not able to irrigate, plant the fodder at the beginning of the rains. The mix should include...
  29. 19/1/1985 This Agrodok is a revised edition, which incorporates two previously published Agrodoks (Agrodok 2: Soil Fertility, and Agrodok 28: Green Manures). These were combined because they canít be dealt with separately: green manures offer the small-scale farmer extra opportunities to improve soil...
  30. Frontiers in Soil Scienceprovides a forum for research excellence in all aspects of soil science. We welcome article submissions in the traditional fields of soil chemistry, physics, and biology as well as those involved in pedology and soil classification. In addition, we invite submissions that...
  31. Thomas, Richard & El Dessougi, Hanadi & Tubeileh, Ashraf. (2006). Soil System Management Under Arid and Semi-Arid Conditions. 10.1201/9781420017113.ch4. Soil fertility in systems under arid and semi-arid conditions, hereafter referred to as dry areas or drylands, is constrained by...
  32. 18/3/2016 For courses in Soil Fertility, Nutrient Management, and Plant Nutrition in Agriculture. Covering all aspects of nutrient management for profitable crop production, the text pays particular attention to minimizing the environmental impact of soil and fertilizer management. Soil Fertility and...

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