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  1. 1/4/2010 ECHO consideró de qué manera nuestros recursos pueden ser más útiles a la luz del reciente devastador terremoto ocurrido en Puerto Príncipe, Haití. Nuestra principal fortaleza está en el área de información agrícola pertinente para los cooperantes para el desarrollo, voluntarios de proyectos y...
  2. 6/1/2023 Clint Bower, miembro de la red en Haití, comparte su experiencia con el sellado hermético.
  3. 20/1/2010 Important Trees of Haiti byJoel Timyan, a 418-page book, is now available on the Internet at the USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC). An electronic PDF copy of the book can be accessed by clicking on the link
  4. ECHO Network members in Haiti produce development notes in Creole.
  5. Documents provided by ECHO network members in Haiti to serve the Creole language.
  6. 20/5/2013 This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants of Haiti. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very good...
  7. 19/11/2019 Session :Our goal is to help reduce poverty by assisting a Haitian agriculture initiative with financial and business resources until they have become self-sustaining. This talk will discuss the challenges and successes this program has had. They have been able to purchase additional farmland...
  8. Abstract, 2015,Southern Agricultural Economics Association’s 2015 Annual Meeting The present paper evaluates the effects of the use of improved cookstoves (ICSs) on household fuel expenditure in Southern Haiti. It takes advantage of the fact that approximately 80 households received ICSs, a novel...
  9. Using the MEVMS value chain research and presentation strategy describedhere, this paper provides a rapid summary of the Fruit, Lumber, and Charcoal value chains in rural Haiti. The research is based on literature review, focus groups and a 405 household survey in the Grand Anse conducted in...
  10. Community Health Workers are trained to: Define nutrition and malnutrition. Describe the components of a balanced diet. Identify signs and symptoms of iron deficiency, vitamin A deficiency, and iodine deficiency in children and pregnant women. Identify main causes of malnutrition, especially in...
  11. Peanuts are an important crop in Haiti. Not only does everyone love mamba and knows that it is healthy and full of protein, but peanuts are an important cash crop. Few crops offer as good an opportunity to make money over a short amount of time. They are relatively drought tolerant and require...
  12. 26/5/2015 In the midst of many challenges the Episcopal University in Port au Prince, Haiti is continuing to find creative ways to train tomorrow’s agriculture leaders. Since the earthquake the university has had to rearrange the agriculture curriculum due to the fact that student dorms are no longer...
  13. 1/1/1996 The first part of the book covers 9 wood species, 4 fruit species and 4 recent exotics, giving information for each species on importance, taxonomy and botanical features, distribution and ecology, tree characteristics, utilization, propagation, biomass studies, growth performance and tree...
  14. Nutrition Smart Agriculture (NSmartAg) aims to simultaneously improve agriculture incomes and nutrition outcomes through agriculture interventions. NSmartAg practices and technologies contribute to address local nutrition issues and increase farm and/or agribusiness productivity and income...
  15. 1/1/1989 Ce guide est destiné à tous ceux qui interviennent en faveur du développement d'une agriculture à la fois plus productive et plus respectueuse des ressources naturelles dans les mornes de Haïti. Un simple examen du paysage haïtien montre que les arbres et les cultures sont étroitement associés....

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