1. Recurso clave
    26/5/2017 Al integrar leguminosas en los sistemas de cultivos, los pequeños productores que trabajan en contextos de bajos recursos pueden invertir en la salud y resistencia a largo plazo de sus suelos. El éxito o el fracaso depende en gran medida en escoger la(s) leguminosa(s) apropiada(s). Teniendo eso...
  2. Authors: T.N. Motis, J.M. Longfellow, A.D. Jani, B.J. Lingbeek, C.J. D'Aiuto, J.C.J. Bergen Keywords: Moringa oleifera, intercropping, legumes,Vigna unguiculata,Canivalia ensiformis,Cajanus cajan,Lablab purpureus, alley cropping DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1158.11 Abstract: In Limpopo Province...
  3. 5/10/2017
  4. Abstract, Researchgate, 1998 The effect of including a legume in sugarcane forage on milk yield was examined in 12 Holstein * zebu cows. Legumes were distributed in a switch-back design in the following treatments: sugarcane (A), sugarcane + urea (B) and sugarcane + Macroptilium atropurpureum cv....
  5. Abstract, 2018, Mountain Research and Development Residue burning to prepare soil for maize growing deprives the soil of both protective cover and organic matter, and it exacerbates environmental issues such as Southeast Asia's haze problem. This paper reports on a study that evaluated the...
  6. 1/1/1988 The objective of this Unit is to present the relevant concepts, methods and strategies required to evaluate nitrogen fixation in legume selection programs. Various stages and types of experiements, and the treatments required to evaluate the legume-rhizobium symbiosis are defined. Procedures for...