1. Recurso clave
    1/3/2005 Se puede usar semillas deMoringa oleiferapara tratar agua en una emergencia o situación de desastre. Estudios hechos desde los 1970 han encontrado que las semillas pueden ser altamente eficaces para remover partículas suspendidas en agua bastante a completamente turbia (las semillas tienen menos...
  2. 22/2/2018 Vegetales y Polvos de Hojas Verdes para Mejorar la Nutrición en Honduras PerfilBiografico: Elioena Arauz,Artistas para la Sopa, Nicaragua Ecos de nuestra Red: Sistema de Pocilga Profunda RecursosdeInformación deECHO: Sobre Hortalizas de Hojas Verdes Nota Técnica: "Conectando Agrigultores de...
  3. Recurso clave 20/1/2005 Las hojas del árbol de Moringa oleifera son muy nutritivas. Pueden consumirse frescas, cocinadas o secas. Debido a que las hojas secas del marango retienen su contenido de nutrientes, es posible convertirlas en polvo. Cuando existe una abundancia de hojas, este polvo se puede elaborar y almacenar...
  4. Recurso clave 1/1/2009 Within a couple days after Bonnie and I arrived in Florida in June 1981 to assume my new role as founding CEO of ECHO, I began digging a garden. For an avid gardener used to the long winters “up north” this was an exciting adventure. I was going to grow flowers and vegetables year-round in the...
  5. Abstract, Cogent Food & Agriculture, 2020 The contributions of Moringa to the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in developing countries were massive. Its production has to be more than increased to maintain its potential role in-curving food and nutrition insecurity sufferings in these...
  6. 18/3/1987 This publication includes articles on the properties of moringa. Also included are recipes. 196 pages, illustrated S & T / FENR Agro-forestation Technical Series: 27, Washington DC
  7. In this study Moringa oleifera was used to determine its effect on the level of parasitemia. Undergraduate research of Belhaven University, Biology Department 9 pages
  8. 19/11/2019 Session :Grace has been conducting Moringa research for 20 years with undergraduate students. This presentation will be a research update on moringa as an antibacterial plant and water purification option. Tissue culture and regeneration of moringa, as well as future use in biotechnology,...
  9. Abstract, SEMIRATE, 2018 Samosir Island is the location of coffee plantations especially in Pangururan subdistrict. Currently coffee farmers in Samosir are trying to utilize a protective plant for coffee tree that is Kelor. This study investigated how far the integration of Kelor with coffee...