Strong Harvest International posee un manual de educación para colegas para facilitar la comunicación sobre el marango. El manual está disponible en siete idiomas – inglés, francés (para el oeste de África), creole haitiano, español, árabe, portugués y swahili. Aunque la sección de capacitación...
20/1/2016 Moringa is known for its ability to grow in a wide range of soils. We hypothesized, however, that moringa leaf production can be increased by applying fertility inputs at the base of the trees. We wanted to know: Do moringa trees benefit from fertility inputs? If so, how many grams of nitrogen...
1/1/2020 A pesar del enorme interés en el uso de la Moringa oleifera como fuente de nutrientes, siguen existiendo lagunas e incoherencias en la información sobre el contenido de nutrientes de esta interesante planta. Existen varias razones para ello. El contenido de nutrientes de la materia vegetativa...
During their time in Ghana, co-founders Kwami and Emily were introduced to what was known locally as “the miracle tree.”The tree thrives in arid climates. It helps the crops around it grow better. It can be intercropped with subsistence crops, mitigating risk to farmers. The leaves, with more...
Traditional water treatment using moringa seeds only removes 90 – 99% of pathogens while allowing fouling of the water over time.Over the past seven years Dr. Velegol’s research group has created an innovative and sustainable process that solves these two problems.When crushed seeds are added to...
This group page exists so that individuals involved in Moringa around the world can connect. We encourage you to share the challenges you face in yourendeavors, discuss lessons and techniques learned through your experiences, and share your story!
21/2/2011 Have you eaten tree leaves before? Or used seeds to make water safe to drink? Come along with two children as a Moringa Tree helps them become true Hunger Heroes. When a remote village is in great danger because of hunger and thirst, a wise elder points the children to the solution. Off they go....
19/7/1994 Go Easy With Fertilizer After Transplanting Trees and Shrubs. Removing Salts From Container Grown Plants Moringa and Carotene What About Rhizobia Inoculants? Tomatoes Resist Flooding if Grafted To Eggplant. A Method For Keeping Rats Away From Oil Palms