Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Herb, Spice, Leaves - tea An evergreen shrub. It grows to 3-5 m high and spreads to 3 m across. The stem is slender and the branches are flexible. Theleaves are glossy green, oblong, and tapering towards the tip. They occur opposite each other and have easy to see...
Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Spice, Seeds - Oil, Vegetable A small upright plant. It is an annual plant. It is erect and much branched. It grows 1-2 m tall. The stem is stout and 4 sided. Itis furrowed along its length. It is densely covered with glandular hairs. The leaves are fine and downy....
Edible Portion: Flowers, Leaves, Root, Bulb, Herb, Spice, Vegetable An onion family plant. It is a herb which grows one year, then flowers the next. It is up to 30 cm tall. A narrow leafed onionwhich forms dense clumps. The leaves are hollow and narrow. They are 10-25 cm long by 0.1 cm in cross...
Edible Portion: Leaves, Fruit, Spice, Vegetable A spreading shrubby plant. It grows 3 m high and spreads 1.5-2 m wide. The leaves are sword shaped and 1.5-3 cm long by 2-2.5 cm wide. The flowers are white or yellow and 1 cm across and in the axils of leaves. The fruit are small. The fruit is 8-10...
Edible Portion: Leaves, Spice, Fruit A herb. It grows 15-50 cm high. It has one stem. The leaves are all near the base of the plant. The leaves are 7-15 cm long by1-2 cm wide. The leaves have teeth along the edge. The flower head is oval. It is 5-8 mm long by 3-4 mm wide. The flowersare...
Edible Portion: Leaves, Seeds - Spice, Flowers - Colouring, Vegetable, Root - Tea A bushy herb. It can grow as an annual plant but it can keep growing from year to year from the thick tuberous root. It grows to60-200 cm high and spreads to 60 cm wide. The stem is short, thick and branching. The...
Edible Portion:Fruit, Leaves Condiment, Spice, Vegetable A medium sized tree. It loses its leaves. It grows to 3-6-12 m tall and spreads 2 m across. The stem is erect and thorny. Theleaves are green and with 3 leaflets and generally sword shaped. They are aromatic. The flowers are...
Edible Portion: Fruit, Leaves, Seeds, Spice An evergreen tree. It grows 12-15 m tall. It spread to 4 m across. It has a dark green round crown of compound leaves. Thesealmost hide the trunk. The trunk is short, erect and thick. The leaves are leathery. The tree flowers in autumn. Male and female...
Recurso claveEdible Portion:Fruit, Spice The plant grows 1-5 m high. It can be grown in a pot as a small plant. The plants have thorns and the leaves are long andnarrow and do not have a citrus smell. The flowers are white and have a smell. They appear in clusters of 1-5. The fruit areround and 2.5 cm across....
Edible Portion: Fruit, Bark - Spice A tree. It grows 12 m high. The trunk is smooth and light coloured. There or four branches develop from a swelling on the stem.The leaf stalks are 1-3 cm long. The leaf blades are oblong and 10-20 cm long by 3-8 cm wide. The flowers are in a looselybranched...