1/1/1976 Vegetable Gardening is one of a series of inexpensive books which have been designed to treat a variety of indidual agricultural topics in greater depth than could be expected in general textbook. They are particularly of interest to students and teachers in Schools of Agriculture.
1/1/1997 The workshopemphasized the need to carry out more research into Africa's own crops rather than finding ways to produce more exotic crops in a hostile environment. Three working groups were established and were asked to prioritize actions required in the near future and to advise on a policy to be...
1/1/1967 The aim has been to acquaint the student with some of the evidence on the principles which underlie vegetable production in the Tropics. The practices of vegetable growing furnish a background for indicating how this basic information applies.
1/1/1966 This volume presents numberous data on locally available sources for improving the diet and by recommending and describing methods that are not beyond the capacity of the rural population.
1/1/1968 This publication was intended for use in the training of vegetable specialists and as a reference for vegetable researchers and extension workers.
1/1/1996 Offers advice for planning, planting, and caring for a vegetable garden, provides specific information for more than thirty of the most popular vegetables, and includes harvesting and storing tips.
1/1/1983 Discusses the quality of American food, explains how to select the most nutritious varieties of fruits and vegetables, and offers advice on their cultivation, harvest, and storage.