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  1. Ressource principale 01/04/1993 If the small farm is to be a permanent source of food for its owners, it must be managed in a sound fashion that provides a constant source of nutrients, fuel, construction materials, etc. without damage to the land or its productive capacity. Forage crops are important to the small farm as one...
  2. 01/04/1988 The soybean (Glycine max) is one of the most important food plants of the world, and seems to be growing in importance. It is an annual crop, fairly easy to grow, that produces more protein and oil per unit of land than almost any other crop. It is a versatile food plant that, used in its various...
  3. 01/09/1998 Many families in the tropics must assume a major role in production of their own foodstuffs. Incomes are so low that purchase of food competes with purchase of necessary items that cannot be hand-made. Most governments in the tropics do not have the resources to guarantee even minimum food to all...
  4. Ressource principale
    20/01/1992 En termes simples, l’agroforesterie est la production d’arbres et de cultures non ligneuses ou d’animaux sur un même territoire. Les activités peuvent être menées sur le même lopin de terre en même temps ou en suivant une séquence ; elles peuvent également être menées sur des lopins distincts en...
  5. Ressource principale
    01/06/1998 There are more than one hundred major species of fruits in the tropics, which make a very interesting contribution to the appetite as well as to good nutrition. These species vary in ecological requirements, in season of production, in yields, uses and, of course, in many other characteristics....
  6. Ressource principale 01/01/1991 The high protein and high concentration of B vitamins found in meat make it an ideal part of the diet, very difficult to replace by plant foods, even with grain legumes that are nutritionally the closest plant foods to meat. Yet production of meat on the small farm almost dictates a way of life...
  7. Ressource principale
    16/02/2015 Les cultures tropicales à racines et tubercules sont consommées comme aliments de base dans certaines parties des tropiques et doivent être prises en compte pour leur potentiel à produire des rendements impressionnants dans les petits espaces. Elles offrent des choix intéressants pour la...
  8. Ressource principale 01/06/1984 The uses of cucurbit seeds as sources of oils and proteins have been reviewed by Jacks, et al. (1972). After the hull is removed, cucurbit seeds contain about 50 percent oil and up to 35 percent proteins. Most of their oil is made up of non-saturated fatty acids, thus of high nutritional values....
  9. Ressource principale
    01/01/1991 Il existe plusieurs raisons pour lesquelles ont établit des clôtures végétales sur les petites fermes. Elles servent : 1. à marquer une frontière entre deux fermes ou le long d’un chemin, 2. à séparer deux champs adjacents utilisés à différentes fins, 3. à protéger les animaux et à éviter qu’ils...
  10. Ressource principale
    01/01/2007 Par F. W. Martin. Publié en partie, 1989 et 1994 ; révisé en 1998 et 2007 par le personnel d’ECHO Même si presque toutes les plantes aient une ou plusieurs utilités, elles n’ont pas toutes la même valeur. Par exemple, le blé, le riz et le maïs sont probablement les plantes les plus utiles au...
  11. 19/01/1988 Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) are already the 6th or 7th most produced food crop in the world, surpassed onlyby wheat, rice, corn, potato, barley, and possibly cassava. Among the reasons that sweet potato is a great crop is that it is relatively easy to grow, relatively free of pests and...
  12. 01/01/1989 Maize (Zea mays; corn) is the third most important food crop in the world, surpassed onlyby two other grains, wheat and rice. Maize is a widely adapted crop, capable of production during the appropriateseason in almost all parts of the world where farming is done. Maize is represented by...
  13. 19/10/1996 By Franklin W. Martin and Michael P. Fennema The questions of what crops should be grown and how they should be used are never completely answered. Furthermore, there is no document or person that can provide all the answers desired. Agriculture always involves trial and error, experimenting and...
  14. Ressource principale Vous voulez aider les gens dans les tropiques. Fantastique! Les tropiques vous attendent à bras ouverts. Peu importe vos compétences et talents, vous pouvez améliorer la vie des gens dans les tropiques. L’intérêt que vous manifestez pour le bien-être physique et spirituel des gens peut se...
  15. Dr Frank Martin - 1993 with introduction by Dr Martin Price Part 2 TN #81 Introduction To Root Crops
  16. Dr Frank Martin - 1993 Part 1 TN #81 Introduction To Root Crops
  17. 19/01/1987 Agriculture Handbook No. 642, 252 p., illus. The edible fruits of the Tropics are nnany in number, varied in form, and irregular in distribution. They can be categorized as major or minor. Only about 300 Tropical fruits can be considered great. These are outstanding in one or more of the...

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