1. 01/10/2024 La variété que l’on trouve à la banque de semences de ECHO, Amaranthus cruentus ‘PI606767’, est une amarante à grains nutritive, résistante à la sécheresse, peu fertile et résistante aux maladies et aux parasites des plantes, ce qui en fait une culture idéale pour l’adaptation au climat.
  2. 01/07/2014 World Renew’s (formerly Christian Reformed World Relief Committee or CRWRC) work on introduction and promotion of grain amaranth in East Africa began in 1999 in 2 villages, Ngaamba and Kalonzoni, in the semi-arid part of the Machakos District of Kenya. World Renew staff, Tom Post and Francis...
  3. Originating in the Americas and Europe, amaranth has been cultivated for more than 8,000 years, dating back at least to the Mayan civilization of South and Central America. It was a staple of the Aztecs and incorporated into their religious ceremonies. In the 1500’s the Spanish conquistadors...