1. Mustard greens are a cruciferous crop (cabbage family) grown for the leafy greens that have a slightly bitter, peppery or mustardy taste. Mustard’s dark green color makes it a very nutritious leafy vegetable that can be grown year round in many parts of the world.
  2. Cette variété de chou frisé est originaire de la plaine d'Afrique de l'Est, en particulier de l’Ethiopie, dès 4000 avant J-C, et il y est encore cultivé principalement comme une culture à graines oléagineuses. Il est précieux car il donne des graines à des températures tropicales plus chaudes que...
  3. Les amarantes-feuille sont abondamment cultivées dans les régions chaudes et humides de l’Afrique, de l’Asie et des Caraïbes. Bien que cette espèce d’amarante ne produise pas de graines à profusion, elle se régénère souvent spontanément et a légèrement tendance à devenir une mauvaise herbe.
  4. Luffas are vining annual plants that produce fruits for food and the luffa sponge. The young fruits of Angled Luffa are edible raw or cooked. Although two species produce a fibrous skeleton in the mature fruit, Smooth Luffa (Luffa cylindrica) is the preferred species for the luffa sponge. This...
  5. This Italian edible gourdis a cucurbit vine that climbs and has large long-stalked leaves forming a canopy over the flowers and fruits. The fruit islight greenand smooth-skinned. Fruit shape varies but usually is long and cylindrical,up to 1 m in length and 8 cmin diameter. The fruit is harvested...
  6. This winter squash has been cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas of the Americas since Pre-Colombian times. Evidence of its use has been found in archeological diggings. It is a very old variety not often available through seed companies.
  7. The Tropical Pumpkin originated in tropical South or Central America, possibly Peru or Mexico, and is now widely distributed throughout the tropics. Tropicalpumpkins are very well adapted to hot, humid conditions and the ripe fruits can be stored for months or even a year under dry well...
  8. La courge cireuse est cultivée comme plante alimentaire dans les régions tropicales à basse altitude de la Chine depuis au moins l’an 500 de notre ère. Ce légume, dont la vigne peut atteindre de 2 à 4mètres (de 6 à 13 pieds) de longueur, est facilement cultivé comme annuel en région tempérée mais...
  9. Summer Squashes are distinctive from all other squashes because they are eaten when they are immature. They grow on either vines or bushes with large leaves that are hairy underneath. They have smooth, edible skin, flesh that varies from light to dark green or yellow, and seeds that are soft and...
  10. Leeks are a close biennial relative of both onion and garlic, but do not form bulbs. Leaves are flat and large, when cooked they are milder in taste than onions, and are mainly used in soups and similar dishes.