1. 06/03/2018 Mr. Karim Soréworks as a facilitator with AZN (Association of Zooram Nongtaaba) in Guié, and lives in the village of Goèma, located in the province of Sanematenga. Karim works with a small group of farmers who do not readily embrace change when it comes to the way in which they have always...
  2. 03/04/2018 ECHO WEST AFRICA in partnership with A E L (Associattion of Evangelical of Liberia) organizes a workshop on sustainable agriculture from 3rd to 5th April 2018. This workshop aims to build the capacity of people fighting hunger, poverty and those who serve the poor in Africa. the workshop will run...
  3. 20/01/2014 Animal products are vital to the diets and livelihoods of people across Sub-Saharan Africa. However, they are frequently traded in local, unregulated markets and this can pose significant risks to health. Usefully illustrated with 25 case studies of the meat, milk, egg and fish food sectors drawn...
  4. 20/01/2013 Grâce à quinze études effectuées dans neuf pays, ce livre propose des solutions aux énormes défis que rencontrent les bergers lors de la vente de leur bétail. À l'aide de nombreux tableaux, diagrammes et illustrations, cet ouvrage documente les conséquences, les bonnes pratiques et les...
  5. 20/01/2018 This FAW IPM Guide is designed for use by professionals in plant protection organizations, extension agencies, research institutions, and Governments, whose primary focus is smallholder farmers and the seed systems that support them. The FAW IPM Guide is meant to provide an important foundation...
  6. Ignitia began as aresearch projectto understand the differences in tropical weather eventsand create a model to more accurately predict them.With an accuracy of 84%,our forecasts are more than twice as accurate as global producers. Since 2015, we have worked closely withsmall-scalefarmers to...
  7. Lien vers les vidéos AccessAgriculture traduites en français Notre vision Amélioration des moyens de subsistance des communautés rurales grâce à des pratiques agricoles durables et à l'entreprenariat. Notre mission Promouvoir les innovations dans l'agriculture durable et les entreprises rurales...
  8. Link to Access Agriculture videos that are translated to Dioula Our Vision Improved livelihoods of rural communities through sustainable agricultural practices and entrepreneurship. Our Mission To promote innovations in sustainable agriculture and rural enterprises through capacity development...
  9. Link to Access Agriculture videos that are translated to Bambara Our Vision Improved livelihoods of rural communities through sustainable agricultural practices and entrepreneurship. Our Mission To promote innovations in sustainable agriculture and rural enterprises through capacity development...
  10. Link to Access Agriculture videos that are translated to Moore' Our Vision Improved livelihoods of rural communities through sustainable agricultural practices and entrepreneurship. Our Mission To promote innovations in sustainable agriculture and rural enterprises through capacity development...