Resources for India
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- Abstract, Researchgate, 2019 Biodiversity and agriculture are strongly interrelated to each other, the conservation of plant and animal genetic resources plays a crucial role in India’s food, nutritional and livelihood security. India is considered to be a centre of origin of rice, brinjal,...
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- Abstract, 2017, World Development In India, efforts to design and diffuse improved cook-stoves began with nationalist organizations in the 1930s; after independence, these efforts were folded into sporadic state-level efforts and then became part of the NGO patchwork of development projects. Very...
- Abstract,Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci, 2019 System of rice intensification (SRI) is the new technology of rice production. First time in Chhindwara district of MP, SRI technique was introduced among tribal farmers. It was observed that average productivity in SRI was found 35.54 qt ha-1 as...
- FAO 52 Profiles in Agroecology Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF), which is a set of farming methods, and also a grassroots peasant movement, has spread to various states in India. It has attained wide success in southern India, especially the southern Indian state of Karnataka where it first...
- Since (India) colonial times, planners, policy makers and forestry expertshave given much emphasis to introducing fast growing and welladapted exotic woody species from iso-climatic regions of the worldinto arid and semi-arid India. Some of these exhibited remarkableadaptability and growth in...
- Dr. Dani Kacha, IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 7 Issue 10, October 2020 Paddy-cum-fish cultivation a unique economic activity is practiced by the farming communities in all over the world. This is one of the innovative farming techniques...
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- In Northeastern region of India, livelihood of majority of the rural communities depends on rice farming. The tribal population of the region traditionally practices shifting and terrace rice cultivation in hills and wet rice cultivation in the valleys. The core diet of the inhabitants of the...
- Indu Bhargavi K, Syeda Farah S, Asna Urooj,International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition ISSN: 2455-4898; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.14 Received: 06-05-2020; Accepted: 20-05-2020; Published: 05-06-2020 Volume 5; Issue 3; 2020; Page No. 69-74 Malnutrition in India is a...
- Hameeda Itagi, Kristel June D. Sartagoda, Vipin Pratap, Priyabrata Roy, Rhowell N. Tiozon, Ahmed Regina, Nese Sreenivasulu, Popped rice with distinct nutraceutical properties, LWT, Volume 173, 2023, 114346, ISSN 0023-6438,
- Dhadke S.G.*, Pawar V.S. and Wanole P.D. Department of Food Process Technology, College of Food Technology, VNMKV, Parbhani (Maharashtra), India Sorghum is a nutritionally dense millet in the grain family that plays a significant part in our daily diet. Sorghum is gluten free and is rich in fiber...
- Sukhmandeep Kaur, Navjot Kaur and Amarjeet Kaur,International Journal of Chemical Studies 2020; 8(4): 2549-2556 The aim of the study was to develop supplementary foods by using blends of malted wheat, mung, ragi, carrot and flaxseed powders at various proportions to avail complementary health...