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  1. 1983-01-01 166 pages, illustrated, photos
  2. 2003-01-01 82 pages, illustrated Why do people keep honey bees? The simple answer is that honey bees produce honey and wax and improve the value of crops by pollinating flowers. The wax and honey may be consumed in the home or sold on the open market for cash. Keeping honey bees is the only type of farming...
  3. 1982-01-01 77 pages, illustrated, photos 2 copies
  4. 2005-01-01 Written as a companion to Beekeeping in the tropics (Agrodok 32), this booklet stresses the need for bee products to be free of impurities and additives. It covers quality-control and regulation issues in relation to a wide variety of products, including honey, pollen, bee bread, royal jelly and...
  5. 2013-03-08 Today's beekeepers face unprecedented challenges, a fact that is front-page news with the spread in recent years of the mysterious and deadly colony collapse disorder (CCD).Numerous pests have made chemical treatment of hives standard practice, yet resistance is building, which in turn creates...
  6. Included in this publication is a description of the bee colony, relatives of the honeybee, what bees need to live, and the different types of bee hives.
  7. Examines the origins of bees and the functions of queens, workers, and drones, indicates flowers that attract honeybees, and discusses beekeeping in ancient and modern times and the uses of beeswax.
  8. Key Resource 2000-03-01 Beekeeping provides rural people in developing countries with sources of income and nutrition. It is a sustainable form of agriculture, which isbeneficial to the environment and provides economic reasons for theretention of native habitats and potentially both increased yield from food and...
  9. When the first edition of this book was published, the author, Walter T Kelley traveled in the US and many other countries gathering information and making photos for basic information which would help those who were interested in keeping a few colonies of bees or those whose operation had grown...
  10. Over 1,300 pages. The Hive and the Honey Bee (1992) is the definitive text for anyone involved with bees, from keeping bees to simply finding out more about them. The most recent edition of this classic (1992), a wonderful hardcover book with attractive gold-stamped cover and spine, has been...