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  1. The key to maintaining a no smell, no clean system is an inoculated deep litter floor that actively composts manure and safely processes toxins right under the pigs feet. The living floor keeps the pigs clean and healthy with no need to remove or worry about their manure. Pigs will naturally turn...
  2. Abstract : Veterinary World, 2015 Aim: The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of deep litter housing and fermented feed on carcass characteristics and meat quality of crossbred Hampshire pigs. Materials and Methods: Forty-eight weaned crossbred Hampshire piglets of 2 months age (24...
  3. Abstract,Water Science and Technology, 1993 The traditional method of waste disposal employed by pig producers in Malaysia is washing wastes down with plenty of water. While this method cleans the pig pens and cools down the animals, it generates a lot of wastewaters which pollute the waterways...
  4. Abstract Two experiments were conducted in tropical Malaysia to study the effects of keeping pigs on deep litter without washing on growth, behavior, pen hygiene and pig health. In Experiment I, forty-eight growing pigs were allocated to three treatments with 16 pigs per treatment and 8 pigs per...
  5. ABSTRACT Deep litter systems represent low cost alternatives to raise growing-finishing pigs, reducing slurry accumulation, although pig’s thermal comfort may be negatively affected by the heat produced inside the litter. This study compared environmental and performance parameters for...
  6. ABSTRACT Producers and consumers perceive that group rearing of slaughter pigs in deep bedded hoop barns is more welfare-friendly for pigs and produces pork with more desirable eating quality compared to conventional systems. However, little research supports this perception. Our objectives in...
  7. Abstract,Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal SciencesJuly, 2017 Since the industrialization of swine production in the late 1900s, swine farms in the United States, as well as in Europe, have largely become consolidated. Pig farms became larger in size but fewer in number, with 91% of market...
  8. Most recently, a method known as the Inoculated Deep Litter System (IDLS), was incorporated into a piggery installed on the Big Island in Kurtistown, Hawaii, and became operational in August 2009. This method incorporates some of the concepts of the MDL system. The Waste Management Plan for this...