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  1. 1987-05-19 Integrated nutrient supply Improved fallow Nitrogen transfer from legumes Cover crops on acid soils Sunnhemp Rock phosphate Micro-nutrient drain Soil conservation and shifting cultivators Cycles of poverty
  2. Good nutrition is our first defence against disease and our source of energy to live and be active. Nutritional problems caused by an inadequate diet can be of many sorts, and when they affect a generation of youngsters, they can lower their learning capacities, thus compromising their futures,...
  3. Proceedings of a symposium held at Muscle Shoals, Alabama, April 20-22, 1971, and cosponsored by the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Soil Science Society of America.
  4. Key Resource 2002-01-01 Acidification of soil is a natural process with major ramifications on plant growth. As soils become more acid, particularly when the pH drops below 4.5, it becomes increasingly difficult to produce food crops. As soil pH declines, the supply of most plant nutrients decreases while aluminum and a...
  5. 1982-01-01 444 pages, tables FAO Soils Bulletin 48
  6. 2013-01-01 An overview of what has been accomplished in home fortification with micronutrients and what has been accomplished in in different settings (refugee camps, emergency relief, schools, market-based) is presented. A guide to future programs are presented in this publication.
  7. Beans are a simply delicious, naturally nutritious food. We’re talking about dry edible beans, beans that are harvested when the beans are dry in the seed pod. All types of beans—including black, cranberry, Great Northern, dark red kidney, light red kidney, white kidney, navy, pink, pinto, and...
  8. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutrient deficiency among Americans. It affects children and young women most often, but anyone can fall short of the RDA for this mineral. When iron intake is too low, the body can’t make enough red blood cells. The result can be fatigue, headaches and...
  9. Conventional plant breeding and modern technology can increase the density of micronutrients in staple crops grown and consumed by smallholder farmers around the world. This means that tens of millions of people today, many having suffered from the effects of "hidden hunger," are eating more...
  10. 2015-01-20 Selenium (Se), along with iron, zinc, and iodine, is one of a number of essential micronutrients that must be consumed in sufficient amounts in order to maintain human health. Selenium is part of a number of proteins within the human body that play an important role in protecting our bodies from...