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  1. Access Agriculture Training Video If proper care is taken at harvest, losses can be minimized, consumers will have better quality fruit, and the farmers will earn more money. Available languages English Kiswahili
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video Apart from the improved mud granary, you can also use metal silos or bags recommended for storing maize. You can also use drums, or if you do not have any of these, use regular bags, but you should add a conservation agent, as regular bags are not airtight. ...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video By keeping your soil healthy and by planting early, your plants will be strong and less vulnerable to insects and moulds. Once the maize is dry, harvest within the next two weeks. Keep the healthy ears off the ground, otherwise moulds will get on your maize and...
  4. Access Agriculture Video Your maize is mature when the leaves and the husks start to dry and turn yellow. Start harvesting improved varieties first and end with local varieties which are more resistant to pest attacks. Dehusk your maize in the field to avoid bringing pests to your home. Properly...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in southern Malawi have come up with their own clever ways to harvest, dry, grade and store their chillies. To remove the pain in their hands after harvesting the chillies, they use various techniques. The biggest enemy of stored chillies is moisture, as...
  6. Key Resource 1985-12-01 This FAO book gives priority to the prevention of post-harvestlosses, particularly through action to reduce losses at the farm and village level. Some topics include pest control, loss assessment, drying, crib storage, root storage, processing cereals, and rice milling. 120 pages, illustrated,...
  7. 2019-04-26 In August of 2018, I attended the 30th International Horticultural Congress in Istanbul, Turkey. It was an excellent opportunity to meet other scientists and to hear talks on horticultural topics, many of which were relevant to ECHO’s network. Here is a synopsis of a few of those talks.
  8. 1977-04-01 This paper outlines the nature of the problem of post harvest food losses, discusses the causes of the loss, what is known of the extent of losses and where losses occur. It describes briefly the available techniques for preserving food and identifies those techniques that offer the greatest...