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  1. 2020-05-30 Some methods of harvesting fruit are dangerous and damage the fruit. Using a container on the end of a stick is safe and fruit can be picked without damage. This uses material taken fromFootsteps- the literacy publication of TEAR Fund - with kind permission.This edition was published in the...
  2. 2020-09-09 Delicious snacks that you can make at home. This book explains how to make fruit leathers as a way of preserving a plentiful harvest. This uses material from "Practical Action" with kind permission. This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by MissionAssist.
  3. 2023-07-13 Food production is important, but farmers must also protect against crop loss prior to consumption or sale. Fresh fruit and vegetables are high in value but susceptible to spoilage. Improving post-harvest practices helps farmers make profitable sales. This can be a difference between a successful...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video Harvest the soft okra every two days, so they don’t become ripe. But leave the smallest ones for the next harvest. If you leave the pods on the plant to become ripe, this takes energy from the plant and slows down new growth. An okra plant whose pods are...
  5. 2004-09-20 Taking human beings into account Producing for the family Post-harvest fisheries Improving dairy products and market links Managing livestock by-products in Iran Improved matmuras: effective but underutilized Traditional storage structures still going strong Changing storage practices The...
  6. These guidelines aim to measure harvest and post-harvest losses for food grains (cereals and pulses). They presentFAO’srecommended methods to estimate food grain losses to allow countries to monitor SDG 12.3.1 (food losses along the supply chain).They present cost-effective methods that could be...
  7. Effective management during the postharvest period, rather than the level of sophistication of any given technology, is the key in reaching the desired objectives. While large scale operations may benefit from investing in costly handling machinery and high-tech postharvest treatments, often...
  8. Key Resource 1998-05-01 A wide variety of fruits is grown in the tropics, under a range of climatic conditions and soil types. Some have been widely used both within the tropics and also exported to temperate countries for many years, whereas others are currently grown almost exclusively for local or regional use....
  9. 1982-01-05 The Storage and Handling of Onions provides information on harvesting, field handling, drying, storage, cultivars, sprout suppression, packing and diseases of onions. Produced by the Tropical Products Institute, a British Government organisation.
  10. The information contained in the following publication addresses the problem within the context of both environmental protection and conservation of natural resources, whilst at the same time respecting the need to implementappropriate technologies. The booklet aims to improve knowledge on...