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  1. Tomatoes are a favourite vegetable for most farmers. They don't require much space, produce a high value for the small amount of space and are a consumer favourite. They do however present a number of challenges for even the most experienced open-field grower. These range from wildly fluctuating...
  2. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is the coordinated use of pest and environmental information with available pest control methods to prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage by the most economical means and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment. IPM is a...
  3. 1989-01-01 Pgs 105: illus Cet Agrodok est axé sur les bonnes pratiques qui permettent de faire pousser une culture saine ainsi que d'obtenir un rendement suffisamment constant. Il offre des informations pratiques sur la culture, la récolte, le stockage, la transformation et la conservation des graines, les...
  4. Edible Portion: Fruit, Seeds, Vegetable This is a small fruit tree or shrub in the tomato and tobacco family. It grows as a shrub with soft wood and it grows up to 4 m high. The stem is 5-10 cm across. It is brittle and shallow rooted. The leaves are large (25 cm x 12 cm) and soft. They are heart...
  5. 1989-01-01 Production, Processing and Marketing Tomato is one of the most widely cultivated crops in the world. It is an important source of vitamins and an important cash crop for smallholders and medium-scale commercial farmers. This Agrodok focuses on good practices for growing a healthy tomato crop and...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmer groups and individuals in Burkina Faso explain the benefits and challenges of a low-cost drip irrigation system, and show how such a system is set up. A social innovation is included that relates to organic matter management. Available languages Adja...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video Late blight is caused by moulds that survive in the soil and in residues of crops that had the disease. As the disease spreads very fast, inspect your field every day. If you see sick plants, cut of the sick parts of the plant and burn the affected parts. Never...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video As soon as you pick your tomatoes their quality can only ever decrease. The best you can do is to slow down the reduction of quality, by following some practices which reduce damage and harm. The key to getting good quality tomatoes to sell starts with the...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video If you are growing tomatoes you need to make sure that you don’t just grow when everyone else is, or you will probably suffer from very low prices. Working in a group and staggering your production can provide a constant market supply of fresh tomatoes. ...
  10. 2016-10-18 Cory Thede, working on the north coast of Haiti, sent a note about a local chaya plant with a lower branch that mutated to a wild stinging type. He commented, “After I backed up against it, it gave me an itchy rash on my arm for about a week. The upper branch is regular and almost spineless.” He...