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  1. Edible Portion: Leaves, Fruit, Spice, Vegetable A spreading shrubby plant. It grows 3 m high and spreads 1.5-2 m wide. The leaves are sword shaped and 1.5-3 cm long by 2-2.5 cm wide. The flowers are white or yellow and 1 cm across and in the axils of leaves. The fruit are small. The fruit is 8-10...
  2. Edible Portion: Leaves, Fruit, Spice A creeper with an erect stem. It is 50 cm high. The creeper or vine can be 10 m long. There are very fine powdery hairs whenyoung. The leaves are finer and more tender than Piper betel. They are brighter green with distinct veins. The leaf stalk is 2-5cm long....
  3. 2011-01-01 Chasing Chileslooks at both the future of place-based foods and the effects of climate change on agriculture through the lens of the chile pepper-from the farmers who cultivate this iconic crop to the cuisines and cultural traditions in which peppers play a huge role. Why chile peppers? Both a...
  4. 2022-10-03 Capsicum annuum includes many varieties of chili and sweet peppers, with wide diversity in fruit size, shape, color, and flavor. Cayenne peppers are typically long and thin in shape. As a chili type, most cayenne varieties are pungent. Pungency is what gives hot peppers their spicy flavor....
  5. 1993-01-01 Ce guide contient des illustrations et des descriptions de nombreux symptômes de maladies ou attibués à des maladies qui affectent la culture du poivron dans le monde. Ce guide n'a pas la prétention de couvrir toutes les maladies du poivron, mail un effort a été fait pour couvrir au mieux les...
  6. This comprehensive pictoral guide to Capsicum identification provides a fine color photograph and a detailed description for each of hundreds of peppers from Mexico, Hungary, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Guatemala, Trinidad, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, and numerous locations in the US. The...
  7. Abstract -Scientia Horticulturae 2017 Salinity and water shortages are two of the biggest environmental constraints that crops have to face in the climate change scenario. A fast and efficient way to overcome these stresses under the prism of a sustainablecrop managementis the use ofgrafting,...
  8. 1994-01-01 This review on leaf curl and yellowing viruses of tomatoes and peppers has been compiled by virologist Dr. S.K.Green in collaboration with Dr.G.Kalloo from India to assist breeders, virologits, and extension workers in addressing various aspects of the leaf curl and yellowing virus syndrome on...
  9. 1999-10-19 Information and experience producing Paprika peppers. Paprika belongs to the species ofCapsicum annuum, which includes both pungent and sweet peppers. Peppers belong to the larger family of Solanaceae which includes tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and “Irish” potato...
  10. This Agrodok on the growing of tomatoes and peppers is meant for fieldworkers in developing countries. It is intended to serve as a practical manual, also for those who have little knowledge of agricultural matters. The methods described are suitable for small-scale cultivation and require little...