Эх үүсвэрүүд Tagged: Greywater
10 items found (Showing 1 - 10)
- Abstract, Water and Air Pollution, 2008 As global water resources decline, reuse of domestic greywater for the irrigation of home gardens is quickly becoming widespread in many parts of the world. However, the sanitary implications of reusing greywater to water edible crops remain uncertain. This...
- Abstract,International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, October 2012 Although, there are various reuses of grey water but this study is limited to one type of reuse- irrigation. The objective of this project is to design and construct a filter for grey water reuse for irrigation of not...
- Abstract,The Open Environmental Engineering Journal, 2011 Greywater (GW) is household wastewater effluent originating from baths, showers, kitchen and hand wash basins and laundry and constitutes 50-80% of indoor household water use. It represents water that can potentially be intercepted at the...
- Abstract, Water, 2016 June Northeastern Mexico is a semiarid region with water scarcity and a strong pressure on water sources caused by the rapid increase of population and industrialization. In this region, rainwater harvesting alone is not enough to meet water supply demands due to the...
- Abstract, Water, 2012 Installation of decentralized grey water treatment systems in small rural communities contributes to a more sustainable water supply. In order to gauge community attitudes about collection and use of grey water, a door-to-door survey in the farming community of Deir Alla,...