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41 items found (Showing 1 - 10)
  1. အဓိက အရင်းအမြစ် 2016-09-28 Farmers in many parts of the world, because of human population growth, have little choice but to crop their land continuously, with scarce resources to replace nutrients withdrawn by each successive crop. Crop residues are often lost as a source of organic matter and mulch, usually through...  
  2. 2015-04-30 We recently learned of correspondence among several network members on the topic of Conservation Agriculture (CA) in areas of heavy rain. The information seemed potentially helpful for others in ECHO’s network, so we are sharing it here.  
  3. 2018-04-27 Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) is a common pest in the Western Hemisphere affecting many commercial crops, most importantly maize. This voracious Lepidoptera (grouping of insects that includes butterflies and moths) was first detected in Central and Western Africa in 2016 and has quickly...  
  4. This collection of farmer training materials was originally developed by Canadian Foodgrains Bank and African Conservation Tillage Network staff to support agricultural training projects in sub-Saharan Africa. The authors encourage agriculture development practitioners to submit ideas or requests...  
  5. 2018-04-27 Anthropology as a tool for facilitating agricultural development Invasion of the Fall Armyworm Echoes from our Network: Millepede Damage From ECHO's Seed Bank: Passionfruit Books, Web Sites and Other Resources: Permaculture for Refugees in Camps
  6. 2015-04-30 Private Service Providers: Preferred by Smallholders Farmer Co-operatives Echoes from our Network: Conservation Agriculture in Areas with High Rainfall Books, Websites and Other Resources
  7. 2018-04-27 Passionfruit can take 12 to 18 months to fruit after planting, but patient care will be rewarded with beautiful flowers and tasty, aromatic fruit. Passionfruit is similar in flavor to guava. Its juice is enjoyed on its own or mixed with other tropical juices, and the pulp is used in sauces,...  
  8. 2018-04-27 This article shares experienceswith milipede damage on cropsfrom network memberNoah Elhardt inSenegal and Bill Stough in Uganda. It also shares some potential control measures from a thesis by Ernst Ebregt.  
  9. 2015-04-30 This article will focus on the benefits of co-ops operating by and for small-scale farmers in rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. The most basic definition of a co-op is local farmers pooling their resources to improve the means of acquiring products essential to farming, as well as...  
  10. 2018-04-27 Joel Matthews has often written to us in response to articles in EDN. His comments are always insightful. Now we are glad to share an article by Joel, sharing ways that tools used in cultural anthropology can also be used to facilitate people-centered agricultural development. Joel has worked,...