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9 items found (Showing 1 - 9)
  2. 01.01.1985 Where fuel is scarce, this easy-to-build fireless cooker can be a contribution to better cooking. It keeps food cooking with a small amount of heat stored in hot stones; loss of heat is prevented by a thick layer of insulating material around the pot. Fireless cookers have been successfully used...  
  3. 27.02.2023 Fireless cookers are a simple insulating covering that allow pots to continue to cook food even when they are taken off a source of heat. This helps reduce the need for an open fire, for fuelwood and also reduces indoor air pollution. Adapted from a Practical Action Technical Brief and used with...  
  4. 21.11.2019 Emily Kinzer Covenant College, Care of Creation Kenya Research conducted by Care of Creation Kenya (CCK) among women in Kijabe, Kenya concluded that using inefficient and open cookstoves resulted in adverse health effects for the entire family, safety hazards while cooking in the kitchen and...  
  5. A fireless cooker is an insulated basket which continues to cook pre-heated food, thus reducing the cooking time on a 3-stone fire or improved cookstove. This means that households with a fireless cooker use much less fuel. Fireless cookers are simple to make and long-lasting.
  6. To counter the adverse impacts of poor energy use, institutions and individuals have resorted to creating energy-saving technologies –modern energy-saving cooking stoves, fuel-saving jikos, improved firewood cooking stoves, the fireless cooker, and solar energy technologies. These energy...
  7. Abstract, Science and Technology, 2019 On mountainous areas, fuel for cooking, such as propane or firewood, has to be transported. A heat retention box (HRB) is an energy-efficient cooking device by completing the cooking process while reducing energy consumption and preserving all of the food’s...
  8. 01.01.1988 The Village Technology Handbook has been an important tool for development workers and do-it-yourselfers for 25 years. First published in 1963 under the auspices of the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Handbook has gone through eight major printings. Versions in French and Spanish,...  
  9. 23.10.2024 This book describes how to make a cook-bag which saves fuel and reduces air pollution within the home. Written and illustrated for MissionAssist It is based on information kindly provided by ButterflySpace, with their permission. This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2024 by...  

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