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MissionAssist Books - Health and Hygiene

  1. Emphasising the importance of good nutrition for young children, this book includes 3 recipes for protein-packed porridge. It uses material fromFootsteps 52and65, the literacy publications of Tearfund with kind permission Additional illustrations by MissionAssist This edition published in the...

  2. This is the third book in a series of three about baby care. It is about weaning a baby.The baby was born strong and he was brought up healthily and well nourished on his mother’s milk. He continues to grow and reaches the third stage of his life, when he begins to feed on other foods apart from...

  3. This book gives advice on how to have a healthy diet. It explains the symptoms of a bad diet, especially for children. It describes foods that give strength and energy to the body. It also describes those that protect from illness. It explains symptoms of certain illnesses that an unhealthy diet...

  4. For children with conditions that make it difficult for them to walk, a few simple aids can make all the difference; this book explains how they can be used. It uses material fromFootsteps 108, the literacy publication of Tear Fund with kind permission This edition published in the United Kingdom...

  5. Basic instruction for people who have no medical knowledge on how to care correctly for sick or injured persons whilst awaiting the arrival of medical experts. This uses material fromFootsteps 18- a literacy publication from TEAR Fund used with kind permission. This edition published in the...
39 more MissionAssist Books - Health and Hygiene

MissionAssist Books - Illness and Disease

  1. A story to encourage people to have their blood pressure checked, with advice on how to prevent high blood pressure, and what to do if one has it. The second part of the book is more practical; it explains what hypertension is and what causes it, and has more detail on prevention and cure....

  2. This booklet describes the causes of typhoid and how to avoid the disease. First published in Papua New Guinea by means of a grant from the Canadian International Development Agency, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Illustrations adapted by Bertie Knowlton from "Preventing Typhoid Fever" published by the...

  3. This book gives advice on how to live with diabetes and other non-communicable diseases. Adapted from "Footsteps 87", the literary publication ofTearfundwith kind permission. This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by MissionAssist.

  4. This booklet contains notes on the prevention and treatment of glandular tuberculosis. This has been adapted from "La Tuberculosis Pulmonar" (Pulmonory Tuberculosis) by the Ministry of Health of Peru, in collaboration with SIL Peru. Text and illustrations 1976 Ministry of Health of Peru and SIL...

  5. Advice on how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. Adapted from "Aids and How to Avoid It" by SIL, Burkina Faso and shared under a CC:BY-NC 4.0 licence. Text and illustrations 1992 SIL International. This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by MissionAssist.
14 more MissionAssist Books - Illness and Disease

MissionAssist Books - Information and Education

  1. This book covers the three main ways of mitigating the impact of rubbish on our environment, by reducing, reusing, recycling. It also warns against careless disposal of hazardous waste. This uses material from "Footsteps 59", the literary publication ofTEAR Fund, with kind permission. Additional...

  2. This book tells you how to create a rubbish pit for single household waste after it has been reduced or recycled as far as possible and also introduces the idea of creating a community waste collection service. This uses material from "Footsteps 59" and "Footsteps 107", literary publications from...

  3. Water Pumps - An overview of the different types.Pumps are often needed to supply communities with water both for drinking and for use in agriculture. This first book in a series of five looks at different types of pumps and lists the criteria to be considered prior to installation. Other books...

  4. Water Pumps - human-powered for domestic and community use.This book, the second in a series of five, focuses on human-powered pumps, their specifications and applications, from single household use to pumps which can supply a whole village. Other books in this series: Book 1 — An Overview of the...

  5. This book describes how to raise crickets for human consumption and suggests some recipes. Written and illustrated for MissionAssist This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by MissionAssist Copyright 2021 MissionAssist
22 more MissionAssist Books - Information and Education

MissionAssist Books - Agriculture and Farming

  1. This explains how to manage bees: planning the work, inspecting the hive and understanding what you see. This uses material from "Basic Beekeeping Manual 1: How to Manage Bees" by Pam Gregory, who offers this as her gift to beekeepers in developing countries. (The content of the text in this case...

  2. Advice on how to cultivate bamboo plants from cuttings. This material was taken fromFootsteps- the literacy publication of TEAR Fund - with kind permission. This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2019 by MissionAssist.

  3. A book about pig farming, taking you from choosing a site to keep pigs, deciding which breed to buy, feeding and caring for them and finally butchering them to obtain delicious meat. Additional sources of online help are listed and an easy recipe for cooking pork is included. Adapted from a...

  4. Guinea pigs are easy to raise for households and small-scale farmers, as they are very productive, reproduce rapidly and produce good quality meat and fur. This uses material from "Footsteps 10" - the literary publication ofTear Fund, with kind permission. Illustrated by MissionAssist. This...

  5. This booklet tells you how to use red chilli peppers to help keep pests away from your crops. Taken from "Footsteps 54" - the literacy publication of Tear Fund, used with kind permission. Illustrations on pages 4, 5 and cover courtesy ofClipArtEtc. This edition published in the United Kingdom in...
47 more MissionAssist Books - Agriculture and Farming

MissionAssist Books - Crafts and Skills

  1. Advice on how to protect buildings from lightning strikes. This material was taken fromFootsteps- the literacy publication of TEAR Fund - with kind permission. The original text was by Ronald Watts, Zambia. This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2019 by MissionAssist.
  2. Two women sell passion fruit and pineapple mixed juice. One has not made it correctly so it makes her customers ill. The other knows how to make it safely and she tells the other woman what to do. Full instructions on how to manufacture mixed juice are included in the appendix. This uses material...

  3. Howto make chutney from green, unripe mangoes or tomatoes. This material was taken fromFootsteps- the literacy publication of TEAR Fund - with kind permission.This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2019 by MissionAssist.

  4. How to make a simple filter to give clean drinking water, using locally available materials such as clay pots, sand, stones and gravel. Adapted from CLEAN WATER FOR ALL, produced by The Church Missionary Society (CMS), 2005. This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2019 by...

  5. This describes how to make bricks from clay, water and other materials using a wooden or metal mould and how to build a kiln or pit and bake bricks in it. This has been adapted fromBrick Making, originally produced by the Research & Development Center at Central Luzon State University,...
49 more MissionAssist Books - Crafts and Skills

General Technical Documents

  1. This book describes a range of natural methods for controlling insect pests without recourse to commercial pesticides. Readers wishing to find out more about conservation agriculture may like to download free of charge the Shell Book Two Farmers Talking about Conservation Agriculture Part of a...

  2. 2017-04-20 Conservation Agriculture (CA)—characterized by the three linked principles of minimizing soil disturbance, permanently covering the soil, and including crop rotations and associations – has proven effective at restoring soil health and fertility, improving the capture and use of rainfall, and...

  3. 2007-01-20 Nina Frankel, Anastasia Gage, Measure Evaluation, Updated 2016 Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is an essential component of any intervention, project, or program. This mini-course covers the basics of program monitoring and evaluation in the context of population, health and nutrition...

CTA Publications

  1. This 8-page fold-out leaflet, practical for use in the field and easy to read, covers the subject of bee-keeping and honey processing. It gives some background to the subject, outlines processes and provides tips, tables and explanatory line drawings.

  2. 2013-01-01 This 8-page fold-out leaflet, practical for use in the field and easy to read, covers the subject of controlling the mango fruit fly. It gives some background to the subject, outlines processes and provides tips, tables and explanatory line drawings.

  3. 2009-01-01 This 12-page fold-out leaflet, practical for use in the field and easy to read, covers the subject of linking smallholder farmers to markets. It gives some background to the subject, outlines processes and provides tips, tables and explanatory line drawings.

  4. 2007-01-20 This 8-page fold-out leaflet, practical for use in the field and easy to read, covers the subject of rearing dairy goats. It gives some background to the subject, outlines processes and provides tips, tables and explanatory line drawings.

  5. 2007-01-20 This 8-page fold-out leaflet, practical for use in the field and easy to read, covers the subject of controlling Striga and stemborer in maize. It gives some background information, outlines the processes and provides tips, tables and explanatory line drawings
9 more CTA Publications

VITA - Volunteers in Technical Assistance

  1. The brooder is heated by a regular electric light bulb, placed under the brooder floor. Depending on the temperature rise required, the wattage of the light bulb will have to be chosen by experimentation. The metal floor and roof prevent predators such as rats from entering the brooder. If...
  2. This seed cleaner was developed in Afghanistan to remove round seeds of weeds from wheat grains. The round seeds could not be separated by a sieve because they were the same size as the wheat grains. The cleaner described here takes advantage of the round shape of the weed seeds to separate them...

  3. 1995-01-01 Soon after beginning a major program in renewable energy in 1979, VITA (Volunters in Technical Assistance) found that many of the technical terms commonly used in renewable energy literature were not understood by many of the laypeople for whom the information was meant. VITA also realized that...

  4. 1995-01-01 For 35 years, VITA has been helping people in developing countries improve the quality of their lives through the provision of information services. VITA's oldest service, the Inquiry Service, enlists VITA volunteers to answer requests about a variety of development issues that come from around...

  5. 1992-01-01 The intent is to offer suggestions to drivers or mechanics who operate in an area where service facilities and technical assistance are not readily available and they must be their own advisers on every problem that may arise. In the event that readers happen to have some service facilities at...
130 more VITA - Volunteers in Technical Assistance

CFGB Conservation Agriculture Newsletter

  1. 2024-12-01 Inside this Issue: The Power of Conservation Agriculture and Small-Scale Irrigation Soil Cover is the driver of adoption of conservation agriculture by small-holder farmers Partner Profile: Lutheran World Federation, LWF-Burundi.

  2. 2024-04-01 Inside this Issue: Creating an Enabling Environment for Conservation Agriculture Soil Ecosystems are Bolstered by Conservation Agriculture Practices Partner Profile: ADRA ALTA Travel Schedule

  3. 2024-01-01 Inside this Issue: AdvocatingforConservationAgriculturePromotion Introducing Lidet Sitatow, Agriculture and Livelihoods Technical Advisor for Ethiopia Fall Armyworm Management Update Partner Profile: Anglican Development Services - Central Rift, Kenya

  4. 2023-09-20 Inside this issue: Green Manure Cover Crops for Regions with Bimodal Rainfall Scaling Conservation Agriculture-based Sustainable Intensification in Ethiopia (SCASI) CA Farmer Profile: Asnakech ALTA Travel Schedule

  5. 2023-06-20 In this Issue: Farming as a Business Telling the Story with Photographs Partner Profile - ODE, Burkina Faso CA Farmer Profile And much more!!
21 more CFGB Conservation Agriculture Newsletter

Conservation Agriculture Core Training Materials

  1. 2020-04-20 The editable source documents (.docx and .pub)of these materials are available in many other languages fromthe CFGB database. The source documents are updated periodically so check here for the most current formats. We encourage you to adapt the source for your purposes. Conservation Agriculture...

  2. 2020-04-20 The editable source documents (.docx and .pub)of these materials are available in many other languages fromthe CFGB database. The source documents are updated periodically so check here for the most current formats. We encourage you to adapt the source for your purposes. Why Use Conservation...

Haitian Network Documents

  1. 2019-01-20 Reviewed by Dawn Berkelaar ECHO has an extensive network of agricultural experts working in diverse areas of production and development. Many members contribute to our various publications and resources, often writing or contributing to our existing documents. Some provide self-developed...

ICIPE Publications

  1. 2013-01-20 Many of the important agricultural and horticultural crops cultivated worldwide belong to the genus Brassica. The main brassicas grown in East Africa are cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata); kale, also called choumolea (B. oleracea L. var. acephala); Chinese cabbage (B. campestris L....


  1. 2011-01-01 This Agrodok is written for small-scale producers and traders in developing countries who package (or are interested in packaging) agricultural products for storage or selling. It describes methods and materials to pack foods that are grown and/or processed on farms and then transported to...

  2. 2010-01-01 Entering the Organic Export Market The aim of this Agrodok is to provide smallholder farmers’ organisations and similar groups with the information that they need to decide whether organic export marketing activities might be right for them and what they need to do to become involved in these...

  3. 2008-01-01 A Practitioners Guide Rural financial services vary in scale and objective. Community-based savings and lending groups, for example, make small but essential amounts of money available to their members. Where agricultural production, processing and marketing is more capital intensive the demand...

  4. 2008-01-01 Mitigating the effects of HIV/AIDs in small-scale farming is a handbook for agricultural extension officers and those who support them in government, NGOs and international organizations. Much of what is contained in this Agrodok has been dealt with in much greater detail in the many HIV/AIDS...

  5. 2008-01-01 This Agrodok replaces ‘The vegetable garden in the tropics’, which treated the garden as a series of plots for the production of vegetable crops. In this edition, features such as hedges and trees and shrubs that give a garden its permanent character, come to the fore. Moreover, the emphasis is...
45 more Agrodoks


  1. 2024-01-20 Vétérinaires Sans Frontières International (2024). Handbook for planning and managing CAHW programmes: How to build quality and sustainable community-based animal health services. Brussels, Belgium. In many countries around the world, Community Animal Health Workers (CAHWs) provide basic animal...

  2. 2008-01-01 The Vetiver System relies on a unique tropical plant, Vetiver grass - "Chrysopogon zizanioides", that is proven and used in some 100 countries for soil and water conservation, slope stabilization, land rehabilitation, pollution control, water quality improvement, disaster mitigation and many...

  3. 2006-01-01 With its combination of traditional knowledge and insights gained from research, the aim of this revised text is to foster your interest in, and understanding of, fruit growing. Although it does not highlight specific fruit crops, the text contains a wealth of information for home gardeners,...
18 more books

  1. The Pratiques Network aims to capitalise on the knowledge of development NGOs and share their experiences and methodologies (network presentation). DEVELOPMENT ACTIONS Agriculture Capacity building Economy Education Health Social Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

  2. A alimentação da população mundial vem se caracterizando pelo predomínio de alimentos industrializados e baixo consumo de vegetais, incluindo plantas nativas. Essas espécies são ricas em nutrientes e apresentam potencial para a diversificação das dietas, podendo contribuir para a promoção da...

  3. FROM SEED TO SEED From Seed to Seed is a series of 40 short films allowing anyone to learn how to produce vegetable seeds. It provides the basics of theory and practice, an ABC of seed production and shows all the necessary steps for producing seeds of 40 vegetable species. From Seed to Seed was...
36 more links


  1. Compost can be used to improve the quality of your soil. You can use plant materials, animal manure and kitchen scraps to create compost. Compost will add nutrients and organic matter to your soil. This animation explains the process of creating and storing compost. Scientific Animations Without...

  2. Compost can be used to improve the quality of your soil. You can use plant materials, animal manure and kitchen scraps to create compost. Compost will add nutrients and organic matter to your soil. This animation explains the process of creating and storing compost. Scientific Animations Without...

  3. Drip Irrigation is a technique that allows you to consistently water your entire crop. This technique is especially helpful during a drought or dry season. This technique must be combined with Raised Planting Beds. Please watch our animation on Raised Planting Beds before attempting Drip...
29 more videos