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Grain legumes, also called pulses, are plants belonging to the family Leguminosae (alternatively Fabaceae) which are grown primarily for their edible seeds. These seeds are harvested mature and marketed dry to be used as food or feed or processed into various products. Being legumes, these plants have the advantage of fixing atmospheric nitrogen for their own needs and for soil enrichment, thereby reducing the cost of fertilizer inputs in crop farming.

Crops that are harvested green for forage and for vegetables are excluded, as well as those grown for grazing or green manure. Also excluded are the leguminous crops with seeds which are used exclusively for sowing, such as alfalfa and clover (FAO, 2010).

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  1. Pulses are legumes that produce seed for human consumption. They are harvested when dry, and then cooked, usually requiring long soaks in cooking liquid. They are high in carbohydrates, B vitamins, and protein--often able to serve as meat substitutes in the diet. Oil content of pulses varies...
  2. 1996/10/19 Book Review: Food Legumes Drought-Tolerant, Early-Maturing 'Crimson' Lentil "Sweet" Lupin (Lupinus albus) Seed Marama Bean, Tylosema esculentum, for Very Arid Regions Nutritive Value of Nunas (Popping Beans) Research on Nunas (Popping Beans) Pigeonpea Varieties from ICRISAT Soybean Crop...
  3. 2017/11/01 By integrating legumes intoc ropping systems, small-scale farmers in low-resource settings can invest in the long-term health and resilience of their soils. Success or failure depends largely on choosing the right legume(s). Selection or screening trials are use ful experiments that direct...
  4. 2000/01/01 This booklet gives a description of the main storage pests together with preventive and protective practices. Special attention is given to the use of natural materials in protecting storage productions. Also included is some information on chemical treatment of stored products against pests. #18...
  5. 2015/01/20 The Technical manual for the construction and use of family-sized metal silos to store cereals and grain legumes was produced in the Division of Rural Infrastructure and Agro-industries (AGS) of FAO as a significant technical contribution to preventing losses in the post-harvest phase of grains...
  6. 1983/01/01 This report examines the Indonesian experience in growing and utilizing Leucaena leucocephala, a versatile legume with an overall potential for reforestation and soil improvement; for use as firewood; for fuelling industrial boilers; for producing pulp; and as forage for chicken, pigs and cattle....
  7. 1986/01/01 In order to assist workers in identifying the seed-borne pathogens of chickpea, we have made an attempt to describe the characteristic features of seed-borne disease. Seed health testing methods are described to assist the workers to identify the pathogens and wherever known, comments on control...
  8. 1970/01/01 Pulses constitute a group of crops of the legume family which, with the helpof the bacteria in their root nodules, fix atmospheric nitrogen and improve the soil fertility. This book includes multiple authors writing on the group of grain crops (pulse) that are being planted in India.Pulse Crops...
  9. Grain legumes, also calledpulses, are plants belonging to the family Leguminosae (alternatively Fabaceae) which are grown primarily for their edible seeds. These seeds are harvested mature and marketed dry to be used as food or feed or processed into various products. Being legumes, these plants...
  10. Key Resource 1979/01/19 This National Academy of Sciences report describes plants of the family Leguminosae, all of them greatly underexploited. Some are extensively used in one part of the world but unknown elsewhere; others are virtually unknown to science but have particular attributes that suggest they could become...
  11. 2016/01/20 Pulses have been an essential part of the human diet for centuries. Yet their nutritional value is not generally recognized and their consumption is frequently under-appreciated. Undeservedly so, as pulses play a crucial role in healthy diets, sustainable food production and, above all, in food...
  12. Muoni, T., Barnes, A. P., Öborn, I., Watson, C. A., Bergkvist, G., Shiluli, M., & Duncan, A. J. (2019). Farmer perceptions of legumes and their functions in smallholder farming systems in east Africa.International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability,17(3), 205–218....
  13. 2024/12/16 Adzuki bean is native to eastern Asia and has been introduced around the world for its versatility as a cover crop, its nutritional value, and its use in traditional Asian cuisine. Dense plantings and pure stands cover the soil well.
  14. 2025/02/05 Vigna vexillata is a perennial vine that has edible leaves, young pods, seeds, and tubers. It can be used as a forage or ground cover. It is adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions.

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