1. 01/05/2024 Les agriculteurs et les jardiniers utilisent le compost pour améliorer leurs sols et augmenter le rendement de leurs cultures. Ce livre décritune approche de la fabrication du compost. Du matériel de Footsteps 107 la publication d’alphabétisation de Tearfund est utilisé avec leur aimable...
  2. 10/02/2023 Ce livre explique les avantages de l'utilisation du bokashi pour améliorer la fertilité de votre sol et décrit comment le fabriquer. A partir de matériel provenant du domaine public Illustré par MissionAssist Cette édition a été publiée en Grande-Bretagne en 2023 par MissionAssist Copyright 2023...
  3. 03/01/1998 This is the classic guide to turning household weight into gardener's gold! Since 1975,Let It Rot!has helped countlessgardenersrecycle waste materials like householdgarbage, grass clippings, and ashesto create useful, soil-nourishing compost.
  4. 01/07/2022 Ce système de compostage par les poulets est adapté du système enseigné par Geoff Lawton, consultant en permaculture, concepteur, auteur et enseignant. Ce système a été enseigné à Jordan par Geoff Lawton dans le cadre de l'un de ses cours de conception en permaculture, puis il l'a adapté au...
  5. 19/12/1988 Farming systems experiences Enhancing dryland agriculture Reduction of risk by diversity Bitter cassava as a drought resistant crop Composting Water harvesting for plant production Moisture conservation Tree planting for soil conservation Tuna plant
  6. 19/07/1993 Campaign for pesticide free rice Rapid composting saves labour How fertile is fertilizer aid Fish reduce pesticide use Growing maize in Tanzania Integrated nutrient management Indigenous vegetables from Nepal
  7. 19/10/1994 Recovery of city waste Earthworms as credit Organic wastes hijacked Recycle or pollute Micro-organisms Recycling urban night soil Modified anaerobic composting Drawing bioresource flows
  8. 20/03/2015 Building up the carbon in farm soils From slash and burn to 'slash and mulch' Keeping composting simple Traditional fallows support resilient farming on semi-arid sandy soils "Healthy soils give family farmers autonomy, resilience and long-term productivity" Healthy soils are essential for...
  9. This technology describes a combination of good practices for soil and water conservation that were introduced to coffee farmers in the central cattle corridor of Uganda, with aim to enhance their resilience to dry spells, pests and diseases, as part of the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA)...
  10. Ressource principale 01/01/2002 A composting toilet is any system that converts human waste into compost through the natural breakdown of organic matter. The photo above shows a composting toilet from the late 1800’s. Composting toilets provide a sanitary method to recycle human waste while conserving water and protecting the...