1. 12/02/2021 Ce livre explique comment la régénération naturelle gérée par les agriculteurs à l'aide de techniques simples et peu coûteuses peut encourager la repousse des arbres à partir de souches vivantes et de graines dans le sol. Ce livre utilise du matériel provenant deFootsteps 110, la publication d’...
  2. Twenty years ago Chelsea Green published the first trade edition ofThe Man Who Planted Trees, a timeless eco-fable about what one person can do to restore the earth. The hero of the story, Elzéard Bouffier, spent his life planting one hundred acorns a day in a desolate, barren section of Provence...
  3. 09/02/2017 This session will demonstrate Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) as a low-cost, sustainable land-restoration technique used to combat poverty and hunger amongst poor subsistence farmers in developing countries by increasing food, fodder and livelihood production, while enhancing...
  4. 09/02/2017 This session will demonstrate Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) as a low-cost, sustainable land-restoration technique used to combat poverty and hunger amongst poor subsistence farmers in developing countries by increasing food, fodder and livelihood production, while enhancing...
  5. 01/08/2017 La baisse, voire la perte de fertilité des sols, est le défi majeur que rencontre de plus en plus d’agriculteurs de par le monde en général et particulièrement ceux d’Afrique subsaharienne. De nombreuses causes essentiellement anthropiques sont à l’origine de cette situation. En dépit des...
  6. Rural people ultimately decide how their land will be managed and recommendations for change must be perceived to be beneficial, often in the short-term, by the supposed beneficiaries. Improved knowledge of crop-tree interactions may not be incorporated into management strategies if this...
  7. Abstract: The Action Against Desertification (AAD) project supports eight ACP countries, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Gambia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Fiji and Haiti in the sustainable management and restoration of degraded land. Baseline assessments have been carried out in each of these countries to...
  8. Ressource principale 20/01/2007 Restaurons Notre Terre décrit comment l’église et les dirigeants communautaires se sont rendu compte que le sol qui produit notre nourriture devient faible. Les forêts qui nous procurent beaucoup de ressources sont en voie de disparition. Ils ont reconnu que Dieu nous a confié la responsabilité...
  9. Land-restoration challenges have been presented in the past, great solutions proposed, and targets set at local, regional, national and global levels, however, vast areas of agricultural land remain degraded on the African continent, often well beyond the global average of 20 percent. Sad but...