1. 19/12/1993 Information about the possibility of using egusi seeds to produce a milk substitute.
  2. 19/07/1994 Dry logs inhabited by fire ants can help deter rats from eating young oil palms.
  3. 19/01/1995 Ideas for keeping elephants out of crops.
  4. 28/02/2017 K[] est une commune rurale située à l’ouest du Burkina. Il ya de cela dix ans, un missionnaire américain avait introduit la Chaya qui est devenue un légume-feuille bien connu et bien consommé des paysans de K[]. Nous avons été surpris de savoir que les habitants ont fait des feuilles de chaya une...
  5. 20/07/2003 Testing of new varieties of maize is done in communities through what have been referred to as Mother and Baby Trials. If you are doing agricultural development work in Africa, you will want to read about—and perhaps become involved in—an exciting program that includes agriculturalists and...
  6. 20/01/2007 One should only be critical of the decisions which have been made voluntarily by millions of smallholder farmers when one has the fullest understanding of all the reasons which led to their making a change in their cropping, and particularly their staple food.
  7. Founded in 1993,Bees for Developmentwas the first organisation to articulate the reasons why beekeeping is such a useful tool for alleviating poverty while helping to retain biodiversity. We focus on simple methods of sustainable beekeeping, always using local bees and local materials. We have...
  8. ECHO WestAfrica Notesis a technical e-bulletin containing articles of interest to agriculture and community development workers in WestAfrica.
  9. ECHO WestAfrica Notesis a technical e-bulletin containing articles of interest to agriculture and community development workers in WestAfrica.
  10. 01/08/2017 FFF, une alternative pour les petits fermiers en Afrique au sud du Sahara Comment preparer son compost en trois semaines? La preparation de l'engrais liquide bio Les Fondements du développment agricole, version epublication