118 correspondances trouvées (Affichage 1 - 10)
  1. Malabar Spinach is native to tropical Asia, probably originating in India or Indonesia. Today, it is grown widely in the tropics as a perennial and in warmer temperate regions as an annual. Malabar Spinach plants are green (Basella alba) or purplish (Basella rubra) vines with thick, fleshy leaves...  
  2. La baselle est une vigne grimpante cultivée comme vivace dans beaucoup de régions des tropiques et comme annuelle dans les régions tempérées chaudes. Ses feuilles vert foncé charnues ainsi que ses tiges rouges ou blanches (selon le cultivar) sont mangées à peine 57jours après son ensemencement.  
  3. Abstract,Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2014 Basella alba L. is an important green leafy vegetables found commonly in the tropical regions of the world. The plant is used as a substitute for true spinach (i. e. Spinacea oleracea L.) and also has great ethnomedicinal importance....  
  4. Malabar spinach (Basella spp.), also known as Ceylon spinach and Indian spinach, is a climbing perennial plant. The vine is succulent with tender leaves. Malabar spinach grows well in hot, humid climates and is adaptable to most soils. Trellised plants work best from the point of view of flower...  
  5. Abstract, Journal of Horticulture, 2018 This review introduces the taxonomic specifications, botanical properties, ecological demands and information about cultivation, some pharmacognosy and some biochemical contents of Malabar spinach. Malabar spinach (Basella alba L., Synonym: Basella rubra...  
  6. Ressource principale
    09/02/2018 Les régimes alimentaires traditionnels incluaient une grande variété d’ingrédients provenant d’une multitude de plantes sauvages et domestiquées. Les espèces indigènes du milieu local et d’autres plantes provenant d’autres milieux éloignés qui ont été progressivement adaptées ont forgé les...  
  7. Ressource principale
    01/01/2007 Par F. W. Martin. Publié en partie, 1989 et 1994 ; révisé en 1998 et 2007 par le personnel d’ECHO Même si presque toutes les plantes aient une ou plusieurs utilités, elles n’ont pas toutes la même valeur. Par exemple, le blé, le riz et le maïs sont probablement les plantes les plus utiles au...  
  8. Ressource principale 01/01/2009 Within a couple days after Bonnie and I arrived in Florida in June 1981 to assume my new role as founding CEO of ECHO, I began digging a garden. For an avid gardener used to the long winters “up north” this was an exciting adventure. I was going to grow flowers and vegetables year-round in the...  
  9. Ressource principale The purpose of this resource is to suggest several key considerations for beginning a small garden project. This information is meant to be a guideline to better assist you in the organization and implementation of particular elements crucial to making a garden project successful. While each...  
  10. Ressource principale 11/10/2023 Seeds are a strategic starting point for any agricultural development program or project, and good seeds are undoubtedly one of the most essential material inputs for farmers, both men and women. In some farming communities and families, seeds are the most significant predictor of productivity....