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  1. 03-06-2024 यह लेख बूनसॉनग थानसरिथोंग, अबराम जे. बिकसलर और पैटरिक जे. टरेल दवारा किए गए ईसीएचओ (ECHO) शोध का सारांश है। यह लेख एमएमएम डेयरी फारम में ईसीएचओ एशिया सटाफ दवारा किए गए शोध का सारांश है। शोध का उददेशय डेयरी मवेशियों के चारे में खरीदे गए रुकषांश (फाइबर) घटक के एक हिससे को मुफत कॉफी चरमपतर से परतिस...
  2. FeedAccess is the result of a project hold for several years by engineers specialized in animal productions and database management. We work on international project management and agro-industry sector. Nowadays, agriculture requires high-level technical knowledge in many domains, and real...
  3. Abstract, Animals, 2019 Recently, insects have received increased attention as an important source of sustainable raw materials for animal feed, especially in fish, poultry, and swine. In particular, the most promising species are represented by the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens, HI), the...
  4. Android Program options Together we can create a better context for local livestock farmers to thrive and prosper. Here's how: PROGRAM FOR POULTRY AND PIG FARMERS Include FeedCalculator in your current programs and learn farmers how to make their own quality feed from local resources. We designed...
  5. The Drought and Supplementary Feed Calculator is an essential tool for sheep and cattle producers to develop drought feed rations as well as rations for dry periods when supplementary feeding is required. Featuring a comprehensive feeds database listing average nutritional values of 71 different...
  6. EvaPiga été conçu, créé et développé par l'INRA, l'AFZ et Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe. EvaPigintègre la composition chimique et les valeurs nutritionnelles pour le porc d’environ 100 matières premières de référence, dérivées majoritairement des tables INRA-AFZ. Vous pouvez créer une...
  7. TheFAO Ration Formulation Tool for dairy cowscalculates least-cost rations for dairy cows using locally available resources. It has been specifically designed for techinicians looking for a simple and easy to use formulation tool. Meeting the nutrient requirements of dairy animals using a...
  8. 20-12-2019 The CLEANED Excel tool to assess the environmental impacts of livestock production systems CLEANED is a static based model which assess multiple environmental impacts (Figure 3) of a livestock enterprises on an annual basis. CLEANED was developed on Microsoft excel 2016 and implemented as an...
  9. 01-01-1974 These Latin American Tables of Feed Composition include analyses of feedstuffs from most countries of Latin America. The object is to record inone publication the information available for a given feed. These feed compostion tables should be beneficial for increasing animal production efficiency...
  10. 20-01-2013 This Feed Table, which is generated from the feed resources data base established through the implementation of the project on “Establishment of feed resources data base in Eastern and Central Africa” implemented in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda from January 2010 to December 2011....
  11. Abstract, Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2011 This study was carried out to assess the nutrient composition of some unconventional and local feed resources available in Senegal so as to use them as protein supplement sources in the diets of indigenous chickens to enhance their productivity. Ten...
  12. 01-01-1988 This bulletin attempts to deal with all the principal factors relating to the establishement of compound feed production, and to provide the basis for full feasibility studies.
  13. Key Resource 10-11-1992 This book covers the theory and principles of animal nutrition, with a chapter on each of the main nutrient groups, and applies it to economic production of cattle, sheep, goats and other ruminants in hot climates. The contents include topics on food intake, grazing and browsing, feeding fibrous...
  14. This technical bulletin is a compilation of data on nutrient composition and feeding value of locally availalbe feedstuffs including some non-conventional items. It is hope that through this bulletin the livestock and poultry raisers, especially the smaller ones, can make more effieint use of...
  15. Livestock keeping in all its ventures is a major source of incomes all over Kenya, from the most productive to nearly desert areas, and for all livestockkeepers livestock feeding and nutrition is a major concern. Inadequate nutrition is a major cause of low live-weight gains, infertility and low...
  16. 01-01-1975 Many of the feeds are known under several names, both botanical and common English. The names given in the summaries are the more common ones. Local names and out-dated botanical names have in most cases been omitted. The summaries include short descriptions of the feeds and the more important...
  17. 10-03-2004 French only. Resulting from the joint efforts of Inra and the French Association for Animal Production, these new tables present the composition and nutritive value of the raw materials used for feeding the major farm animal species. These data reflect the changes in both raw materials and...