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  1. One of the primary objectives of the symposium was to provide an opportunity for presentation of latest views regarding the availability of mineral nutrients in soils and mechanisms of absorption and translocation of these mineral nutrients by plants.
  2. This video is Session 3 part 3 of our ongoing training on "Introduction to Soil Science." This training gives a broad overview and introduction to some basic soil characteristics: phases (solid, liquid, gas), texture, density, structure, reaction (pH), plant-water relationships, organic matter,...
  3. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #29 The old adage ‘You can’t fix a problem if you don’t know you have one’ underpins the basic science of diagnosing plant nutrient deficiencies. For years, farmers and scientists have worked together to identify a set of visual clues that can be used to...
  4. This book contains information on plant nutrition starting with the basics, to major elements, to micronutrients, plant analysis, ending with tissue testing. It also includes appendixies from definitions, to elemental requirements to Nitrogen contents.
  5. 1971-01-01 It is the purpose of this booklet to suggest some ways of studying plants that may involve students more fully, especially in the design and development of elementary research suitable for school laboratories. Educational Products Division, LaMotte Chemical Products, Chestertown, MD 74 pages,...
  6. This book disusses the use of synthetic chelating agents in plant nutrition.
  7. GrowerTalks magazinemay be the best-known greenhouse trade publication in the world. While it’s published in America’s Midwest, just outside of Chicago, its reach and influence is global, with its editors historically on the road and in the air to find the stories, trends and news. Format:...
  8. Key Resource 2009-01-20 All plants need certain mineral elements for proper growth, development, and maintenance. The basic structure of all organisms is built of carbon (C), oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H). Plants obtain these elements from water (H2O) in the soil and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air, so no input is...
  9. 2012-01-01 Strong gradients of decreasing soil fertility are found in many regions of the world. Millions of smallholders are now facing this serious crisis which causes them lower crop yields, and many of these families also suffer from food insecurity. With the aim of promoting recovering soil fertility...
  10. Key Resource 1994-03-15 This volume is the revised English translation of the German title, "Bodenfruchtbarkeit und Standortgerechte Landwirtschaft". It presents a range of practices conducive to sustainable agricultures, and is of particular importance for the development of smallholdings in the tropics. These include...