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  1. 2003-01-01 Cet Agrodok présente quelques techniques de conservation simples et relativement bon marché qui peuvent être utilisées à petite échelle au niveau individuel ou par un petit groupe (de familles par exemple). Le Chapitre 2 fournit des information générales sur la détérioration des aliments, sur ses...
  2. 2004-09-20 Taking human beings into account Producing for the family Post-harvest fisheries Improving dairy products and market links Managing livestock by-products in Iran Improved matmuras: effective but underutilized Traditional storage structures still going strong Changing storage practices The...
  3. 2021-01-01 Following the astonishing findings in an article published in November 2016 of a farmer preserving freshly harvested tomatoes in wood ash for up to 5 to 6 months, the research team at ECHO Florida decided to further investigate the potential of this technique to prolong the storage life of fresh...
  4. 2002-01-24 This publication includes information on preparation and pretreatment of different fruit and vegetable types of drying, how to dry these using simple solar dryers, proper storage of dried fruit and vegetables, and recipes for dried fruit and vegetables. 23 pages, illustrated, photos
  5. 2007-01-01 This 8-page fold-out leaflet, practical for use in the field and easy to read, covers the subject of preserving green leafy vegetables and fruits. It gives some background information on the subject, outlines the relevant processes and provides tips, tables and explanatory line drawings.
  6. This FAO book contains production diagrams for preserving fruits and vegetables in rural areas. 60 pages, illustrated, photos
  7. How to can or freeze home grown fruits and vegetables, what to do, what not to do and why, details for specific fruits and vegetables. illustrations
  8. Fermented fruits and vegetables contribute significantly to the diets of rural pupulations in a number of developing countries. This bulletin reviews the pretreatment, fermentation, packaging and storage of fruits and vegetables in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Methodologies for the production...