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Kew Plants of the World Online - Glycine max

  1. Soybean is an annual, nitrogen-fixing, nutritious, bean crop grown mainly as a pulse and for oil used for human consumption and many industrial uses. It is a very day length sensitive crop with varieties developed for many different latitudes. Soybeans are also used a fresh vegetable. Soy sauce,...
  2. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Spice, Vegetable A small erect bean up to 60 cm tall. It grows each year from seed. Straggling kinds can occur. Stems, leaves and pods aresoftly hairy. The leaves have 3 leaflets. The leaflets have stalks. Flowers are small and white or blue. They occur in groups in...
  3. Topics covered in this resources include: Soils and climate Fertilisation Varietal choice Choosing the right soya bean variety Planting and crop management Soyabean Planting Guide Pests and diseases Harvesting
  4. 20/12/2000 Monocultures towards sustainability Soybeans for dairy products Ecologisation of soybean production Rice wheat No-tillage rice wheat cultivation SRI genetic diversity and disease control How to grow winter wheat Monocultures Ecologising rice-based systems in Bangladesh Organic cotton Organic...
  5. Abstract, Thesis, 2018 This thesis evaluated the impact of fermentation on the nutritive value of cassava root pulp (CRP) and soybean pulp (SBP) as feed for growing pigs. The evaluation was based on four studies (two fermentation and two animal studies). In these, the chemical composition of CRP...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Para atingir a melhor densidade de plantas de soja em nosso campo, devemos tomar quatro precauções: 1. usar sementes que cresçam bem; 2. reduzir o espaço entre as fileiras de mudas e entre as covas; 3. não pisar nas covas de plantio do campo; e 4. controlar os...
  7. This book is designed to provide, to scientists and specialists in programs relating to soybean research, information on the technology or production and the basics of soybean morphology, physiology, pest control, genetics, and breeding. Information on marketing and utilization is also provide....
  8. 01/01/1990 Desde 1950, feijăo-sojas se tornaram uma valiosa parte do mundo provisăo de comida e dos sistemas que produzem e entregam comida. Produçăo de feijăo-sojas cresceu rapidamente e em 1990 chegou aproximadamente 100 milhőes de toneladas métricas (MMT) anualmente. que Isto compara com aproximadamente...
  9. 01/01/2002 Este Agrodok est· baseado numa ediÁo anterior, mais sucinta, intitulada ìSojaî. O texto foi ampliado de modo a conter mais informaÁıes pr·ticas sobre a produÁo e processamento da soja e de outras leguminosas, transformando-as em produtos alimentares nutritivos. Abarcamos tambÈm outras leguminosas...

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