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  1. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #28 农户自产饲料贡献了一个更加可持续发展的农业系统。作物残茬和动物粪便是 植物生产营养循环的一部分。通过使用喜温的堆肥、蚯蚓培养、博卡西和/或绿肥 就能降低投入的成本。农户自产饲料也能通过管理和利用既得资源来减少费用。小 规模的农户购买商业饲料来喂鸡特别是小鸡是非常昂贵的。在这篇 ECHO 亚洲期刊 的文章中,我们将探索多种可供选择的小规模家禽饲料。
  2. 2019-11-20 Noah Elhardt - Beersheba Project, Senegal The modern poultry industry has made huge strides in the efficiency and productivity of chicken operations, with hybrid broiler chickens reaching 2.26 kg (5lbs) in as little as 5 weeks. To achieve this, genetics, temperature, humidity, light, biosecurity,...
  3. Deep litter systems are living systems in which a thick layer of carbon-rich organic matter hosts a thriving microbial community which works to break down solid and liquid wastes from animals as they are produced. Such as system doesn't require regular cleaning out, and has the added benefit of...
  4. Seven helminth species were detected withHeterakisgallinarum(10.2%) andAscaridia galli(6.0%) been the most prevalent, whileCapillariaspecies was the least prevalent (0.8%). Physiological status, bird type, production purpose, farm age (years), presence of other animals in the farm, flock size...
  5. A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2016 to March 2017 in and around Alage ATVET College, southwestern Ethiopia, with the objective of determining the prevalence of poultry coccidiosis and its associated risk factors in intensively and backyard managed chickens. Systematic random...
  6. Coccidiosis caused by Eimeria species is one of the major factors militating against profitable poultry production globally because of its serous economic consequences. Continuous and misuse of synthetic anticoccidial drugs over the years had led to the emergence of resistant Eimeria strains...
  7. 2022-04-12 This systemprioritizes chicken health and robustness by attempting to recreate conditions natural to chickens. This system does not produce as much as industrial systems, but can be more profitable for small-scale farmers by reducing both risks and costs. It focuses on growing vigorous chickens...
  8. Source: Weslee Green, créé avec Canva
  9. Source: Weslee Green, created using Canva
  10. 关键资源 2023-11-21 Litter systems are an approach to hygienic, integrated animal production in which animals are raised in an enclosed space on a floor of organic bedding. Systems with thick bedding material are sometimes called deep litter systems. Litter systems allow you to prioritize animal health by providing...

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