1. 17/1/2018
  2. 17/1/2018
  3. 18/1/2018
  4. 18/1/2018
  5. 17/1/2018
  6. 17/1/2018
  7. 6/2/2018 This digital copy of the conference booklet is available for your reference.
  8. 7/2/2018
  9. Ignitia began as aresearch projectto understand the differences in tropical weather eventsand create a model to more accurately predict them.With an accuracy of 84%,our forecasts are more than twice as accurate as global producers. Since 2015, we have worked closely withsmall-scalefarmers to...
  10. 12/4/2018 Whether passing through, or invited into the home, it would take a visitor to any number of Myanmar’s Karen communities only a few minutes to realize the importance of agriculture. Small home gardens are common to nearly all households, and may be second only in occurrence to the pig that can be...