1. 1/1/1984 Las cosechas de la raíz normalmente son un término general usado para una variedad ancha de plantas de comida conocido como que tienen un órgano del almacenaje subterráneo un arraigue, tubérculo (el rizoma), corm, o bombilla. Root las cosechas son ricas en almidone, y muja en la proteína y...
  2. Recurso clave 12/1/1986 Includes index. Translated by: John Coates. pests rice maize legumes vegetables fruits storage insecticidal plants ashes baits traps vegetable oils mineral substances
  3. 1/1/1977 A guide to the showy ornamentals found outdoors in tropical and subtropical regions and indoors in cooler climes in homes and offices. Here are the outstanding plants that attract attention because of their colorful flowers, consipcuous foliage or decorative fruits. More than 380 species, prized...
  4. 1/1/2005 This binder is a compilation of the professional publications and presentations by the Center for Subtropical Agroforestry during the past nearly 5 years. These materials reflect our increased understanding of the science of agroforestry and enhanced awareness about its potential as an...
  5. 1/1/1976 This book addresses bromeliads and tropical air plants raised in tropical and subtropical zones.
  6. 1/1/1964 The main function of the Handbook is to give AID agricultural technicians, Peace Corps personnel, and other workers concise methods of economically producing horticultural crops in the Tropics. It is to assist them in helping the farmer produce food crops more efficiently and improve his standard...
  7. 1/1/1989 Gardening in Florida is quite different from that in the North. This book answers most of your questions and some you hadn't considered. Although not a new book, it is current in its facts and tips. A must for people who want to start backyard gardens in Florida.
  8. 1/1/2001 This book is packed with information that explains what needs to be done and when it needs to be done in Florida gardens.
  9. This publication discusses how to design a patio garden and what plants to use. 8.5 x 11, self published. No pagination.