2020-05-08 How to put oil on the right places and prevent a bicycle becoming rusty. This was originally published in 2018 then published in this edition in the United Kingdom by MissionAssist in 2019.
2023-06-20 In this Issue: Farming as a Business Telling the Story with Photographs Partner Profile - ODE, Burkina Faso CA Farmer Profile And much more!!
Chickens have very basic needs: food and water, adequate shelter and space, and predator protection. Chicken owners go to all different lengths to meet those needs, from the simplest to the very elaborate. The beauty of raising chickens is that there is no set formula and no way that you must do...
Organic Livestock Farming refers to the treatment and growth promotion of livestock with Natural products. Topics discussed in this resource include: Organic Farming Natural and Organic Products Poultry Infections and Diseases Tips on Management
Onions are consumed in almost every household in Zambia. Not only are onions grown for domestic consumption but are also grown for commercial purposes. Onions are one of the few crops in Zambia that will always have a ready market. This simple guide will equip onion growers with recommended...
Onion (Allium cepa L.) cultivation in Jamaica dates back to more than 50 years ago (ADC, 1963). It is a culinary ‘must use’ for Jamaican diets and more than 10 million kg is consumed annually. Over the last 18 years, onion production has declined significantly from 4,200 tonnes in 1996 to 680...
2012-01-20 This manual was prepared to assist USAID-Inma field staff in working with cooperating growers. It does not cover all issues or answer all questions. The USAIDInma horticulture team or Ministry of Agriculture specialists can be consulted to answer additional questions. Onions clearly represent an...
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded Jamaica Rural Economy and Ecosystems Adapting the Climate cHange II (Ja REEACH II) project is pleased to share with you to this “Farmers Handbook for Onion Production.” This handbook was developed to equip you our stakeholders...