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Domesticated food producing animals in the world outnumber the human population, two to one. There are thousands of animal species in the world, yet, only a few have been successfully domesticated on a permanent basis and none within the last 2000 years. In fact, five species (cattle, sheep, goats, chickens, and pigs) comprise over 95% of the world's farm animals and all five1 are found in the humid lowland tropics. Of all traditional smallscale animals in the tropics, however, chickens are by far the most common --- as indeed they are worldwide.


  1. 1983-01-19 The Muscovy is a heavy bird, suitable mainly for meat production. Under good management, with proper feeding, the drakes (male ducks) will reach 4.0-4.5 kg and the ducks 2.0-2.5 kg at 16 weeks, which is usually the age at which the birds are sold to be eaten. Most of the Muscovys are pure white...
  2. Key Resource 1995-01-01 Domesticated food producing animals in the world outnumber the human population, two to one. There are thousands of animal species in the world, yet, only a few have been successfully domesticated on a permanent basis and none within the last 2000 years. In fact, five species (cattle, sheep,...
  3. 1998-09-01 Many families in the tropics must assume a major role in production of their own foodstuffs. Incomes are so low that purchase of food competes with purchase of necessary items that cannot be hand-made. Most governments in the tropics do not have the resources to guarantee even minimum food to all...
  4. Creole Document onImproving Poultry Production In Haiti
  5. 2003-01-01 Although this document will tell you how to build a particular incubator that I have used for several years, the ideas presented here should assist in building an incubator of any capacity. The orientation here is toward solving the problems in building a kerosene fired incubator in general....
  6. 1983-06-19 We mentioned in the last issue that both Frank Martin with the USDA and Fred Harder with the Heifer Project had told us that for really efficient meat production in the tropics we should be looking at Muscovy ducks. I asked if any of our readers could help us out from their own experience. We...
  7. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #28 Farm-generated fertility contributes to a more sustainable agricultural system. Crop residues and manures are part of the nutrient cycle for plant production and can lower input costs through the use of thermophilic composting, vermiculture, bokashi...
  8. 2008-07-20 Swahili Only Kitabu cha kuku wa asili
  9. Approximately 40 breeds of chicken discussed in this chart including: Ameraucana Ancona Andalusian Appenzeller Araucana Aseel Australorp or Black Australorp
  10. This document includesstep-by-step instructions on how to build an incubator for hatching eggs.
  11. This document includesstep-by-step instructions on how to build an incubator for hatching eggs.
  12. The period from hatching until the chickens no longer require supplementary heat is called the ‘brooding period’ and usually lasts for 3–6 weeks, depending on seasonal temperatures and the type of housing. Chickens need supplementary heat when they hatch, because they are unable to maintain their...
  13. 2017-11-01 While availability of food calories has paralleled human population growth in Rwanda, the supply of highly nutritious foods -such as complete protein, fats, and micronutrients -remain insufficient in the Rwandan diet. Past research has shown the barriers to Rwandans raising chickens to be a lack...
  14. The domestic guinea fowl (Numida meliagris) is a poultry bird that derives its name from the guinea coast of West Africa where it originated. Many poultry farmers in Africa are doing Guinea Fowl farming business successfully, mainly for profit. The Guineas are also sometimes called Guineas,...
  15. 2013-01-20 Village chickens can be found in all developing countries and play a vital role in many poor rural households. They provide scarce animal protein in the form of meat and eggs and can be sold or bartered to meet essential family needs such as medicine, clothes and school fees. Village poultry are...
  16. Cows and maize are often the first images that come to mind when thinking about farms, but many non-traditional types of farms also exist. Ostrich farming is one type of agriculture that can have many advantages. The ostrich (Struthio camelius) is a member of the ratite family (flightless birds)....
  17. Disease can be defined as any change or impairment of normal body function that affects the chickens’ ability to survive, grow or reproduce. An understanding of the cause of a disease and its method of spread (transmission) will assist in controlling it. Knowledge of the clinical signs of a...
  18. 2018-01-03 « Tous les africains sont éleveurs de poules » affirmait un ancien. En effet presque dans toutes les familles africaines, vous trouvez au moins une poule surtout dans nos campagnes. La poule a toujours été un fidèle compagnon de l’homme en Afrique de l’Ouest. C’est sa viande qu’on partage presqu’...
  19. Poultry feed is food for farm poultry, including chickens, ducks, geese and other domestic birds. Before the twentieth century, poultry were mostly kept on general farms, and foraged for much of their feed, eating insects, grain spilled by cattle and horses, and plants around the farm. This was...
  20. The Most Promising Option (MoPO) for the Thuthukani broiler project is broiler production and will entail production, processing and marketing broilers that have been dressed, graded according to weight ( 1.2kg – 2kg), packaged, labeled and sold in large quantities (20kg+) as chicken cuts or...
  21. To formulate feeds, farmers have to use the Pearson Square method. In this method, the digestible crude protein (DCP) is the basic nutritional requirement for any feed preparation for all animals and birds. Now, assuming that a farmer wants to make feed for their chicken using this method, they...
  22. Quails are probably the smallest avian species used for production of table eggs and meat. Because of their prolific egg production and meat yield, quail farming is an economically very profitable venture. Quails belong, along with chickens, pheasants and partridges to the Family Phasianidae of...
  23. 1995-10-19 “Probably more people are directly involved in chicken production throughout the world than in any other single agricultural enterprise.” Maintaining and improving the productivity of backyard chicken flocks is important for the wellbeing of rural families. Backyard producers value chickens for...
  24. 2016-04-13 E. B. Sonaiya Department of Animal Sciences Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
  25. 2014-10-27 GALVmed is working to controlND,a contagious and often fatal viral disease affecting all species of birds. ND is an avian strain of paramyxovirus. Severity and Impact is greatest in developing countries, especially with village backyard chickens (BYP).Of an estimated 1.38 billion chickens in...
  26. 2017-02-09
  27. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research has supported the development of the vaccine against New Castle Disease for over 25 years in SE Asia and some African countries. This video presents the success stories of village poultry farmers who, thanks to vaccine program supported by...
  28. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
  29. This guide provides information and advice to those concerned with the production and sale of eggs in developing countries with an emphasis on marketing, i.e. producing in order to meet market demand. Market-led egg production enables long-term business survival, higher profits and a better...
  30. Session:This presentation will be co-presented through a combination of video and discussion. Village chickens play a vital role in the lives of rural poor, providing meat, eggs, and income from sales which meet family needs. They are generally owned by women and children and provide food...
  31. 1965-01-01 This 1965 publication has been prepared to support the increasing efforts being made in developing tropical and subtropical countries to modernize and intensify poultry production as an important source of protective food and better income. In addition to eggs and meat, poutry produce a valuable...
  32. 2019-02-14 Session: This presentation will be co-presented through a combination of video and discussion. Village chickens play a vital role in the lives of rural poor, providing meat, eggs, and income from sales which meet family needs. They are generally owned by women and children and provide food...
  33. 2015-01-20 How to Build Chicken Coops will arm you with the right knowledge and know-how to scout an appropriate site, outfit your tool belt with the necessary equipment, and finally build a comfy and cozy home for your fledgling flock. Raising chickens is a rewarding endeavor and knowing how to keep them...
  34. Abstract -The Journal of Applied Poultry Research Moringa oleiferais known as a miracle tree due to its amazing nutritional and therapeutic properties. Considering its nutritional value,Moringa oleiferaleaf powder can be used as a non-conventional ingredient in poultry diets. This study was...
  35. 2015-03-03 Professor Yusuf presents on his research, which investigates the use of medicinal plants in chicken feed.
  36. It is my hope that you will be encouraged and empowered by the information presented here; that you will raise your own wholesome chickens for meat, process them yourself, and discover the satisfaction that comes with achieving greater food self sufficiency.
  37. Abstract -Animal Feed Science and Technology, 1999 Chaya leaf meal (CLM) (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius(Mill.) Johnston) was evaluated as a poultry feed ingredient in a series of two pilot studies. In experiment I, diets containing 0, 25, 50 and 75g CLM kg1were fed, ad libitum, to 480 day-old broiler...
  38. Access Agriculture Training Video By making a base mix that can be fed to all animals, you save time and money. Two thirds of the mix is made from grains, like paddy, maize, sorghum and millet. One third of the mix should be rich in protein and fat. Mill the base mix into a coarse flour....
  39. Access Agriculture Training Video In this video, we will visit the rooftop brooders of the women in Fayoum – and we will learn from them the key steps for a successful household chick raising business. Available languages Arabic Bangla English French Kiswahili Luganda Spanish
  40. Access Agriculture Training Video Provide a bed of wood shavings or dry grass to make it comfortable for the hens to lay their eggs. This helps to reduce moisture and decreases the chance of infestation by parasites. But these small parasitic insects are not the only problem. During their first...
  41. Access Agriculture Training Video In this video, we will visit the city of Fayoum where a group of women are collaborating in raising chicks by paying close attention to the chicks’ housing, feed and vaccination programs. Available languages Arabic Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja English French Hindi...
  42. 2018-11-14 Sustainable and regenerative farming make sense, but how can it be applied in developing markets? Nick will be discussing the business approach he has brought to farming and how to make the farm successful in the long term. New Roots Haiti farms pastured poultry, pastured pork, and grass fed...
  43. 2016-09-29 l’élevage des volailles est une activité qui occupe la majorité de la population active rurale dans la plupart des pays africains. A ce titre, c’est une importante source de revenus pour plusieurs foyers. Cependant cette activité à fort potentiel économique fait face à des défis qui ne demandent...
  44. Oklahoma State University Department of Animal Science Poultry Chicken Ducks Geese Turkeys Other
  45. Access Agriculture Training Video Provide a bed of wood shavings or dry grass to make it comfortable for the hens to lay their eggs. This helps to reduce moisture and decreases the chance of infestation by parasites. But these small parasitic insects are not the only problem. During their first...
  46. Access Agriculture Training Video By giving improved chickens green feed every day, we can satisfy part of their needs. However, to increase their production it is best to provide concentrate feed that contains a mixture of grains, oil cake, bran and shells. Available languages Arabic Bambara...
  47. Access Agriculture Training Video Dirty drinking water, unclean surroundings, and improper food cause many diseases in chicken. Clean the coop area and remove the poop and spoiled feed every day. You can purify the drinking water with turmeric powder or potassium permanganate. Feed chickens a...
  48. Access Agriculture Training Video In this video we will learn how to recognise Newcastle disease, and the signs, causes, prevention, control and management of this devastating disease. Available languages Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga English French Kiswahili Luganda Spanish Tumbuka
  49. Access Agriculture Training Video Local chickens often produce few chicks because of various reasons. To improve both eggs and chick production, there are some simple measures you can take. By producing more local, healthy chickens, you can better feed your family and make some money. Available...
  50. 2016-04-12 About CVN About paper-box hatchery Existing models How to have more eggs and more birds Hatching the eggs Checking for Fertility The idea of selling before producing
  51. 2016-04-13 What is Newcastle disease? Newcastle disease (ND) is a highly contagious, severe viral disease found worldwide that affects birds including domestic poultry. ND is endemic in all parts of Nigeria and is more common during the harmattan season (October –March) with the virus remaining dormant most...
  52. The Transylvanian Naked Neck is often called Turken. Despite the name, these fowl are necessarily from Transylvania or a it happens Romania since they are found in places around Europe and the Middle East. The Naked Neck has been found in Romania since 1918. Some people think it is a cross...
  53. Abstract, World's Poultry Science Journal, 2013 High ambient temperatures in tropical and subtropical regions adversely affect the growth and egg productive performance of both broiler and laying chickens. Relative humidity and ventilation rate influences bird's performance, particularly when...
  54. Abstract,Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, College of Veterinary Sciences, G.B.P.U.A&T., Pantnagar - 263145, India, 2002 A population segregating for the naked neck (Na) gene was used to evaluate its effect on fast growing broilers at heat stress. An experimental stock comparable to...
  55. Access Agriculture Training Video Many farmers in developing countries keep some chickens, either small numbers or large numbers. However, another type of poultry farming is becoming rapidly popular, namely quail farming. Available languages Bangla English French
  56. Village poultry are an integral part of rural life in Malawi. They are everywhere. Anyone in the village might own a chicken. Even an impoverished widow, who has little chance of owning anything as valuable as a goat or a pig, still has a good chance of owning a chicken. Thus, improvements in...
  57. Key Resource 1998-01-01 W. Malcolm Reid (1910-1990) was Professor Emeritus of Poultry Science (Parasitology) at the University of Georgia. He saw a need for a book dealing with basic poultry production and recruited others to help him develop one. He knew firsthand the value of poultry as a source of food and manure for...
  58. The brooder is heated by a regular electric light bulb, placed under the brooder floor. Depending on the temperature rise required, the wattage of the light bulb will have to be chosen by experimentation. The metal floor and roof prevent predators such as rats from entering the brooder. If...
  59. 1984-01-01 Since ancient times, chickens, ducks, and geese have served farming communities by gleaning the fields of grain that otherwise would be lost; picking up grain that is dropped by the wayside in threshing, drying, and transportation; making productive use of the scraps from the family table; and,...
  60. International Journal of Poultry Science, 2007 Abstract - The study was conducted to investigate the effect of blood meal in broiler diets during starter (0-4 weeks) and finisher (5-6th week) phases of growth. Fresh blood was boiled at 100C for 45 min and then dried in an hot air oven at 55C for...
  61. 1990-01-19 W. Malcolm Reid (1910-1990) was Professor Emeritus of Poultry Science (Parasitology) at the University of Georgia. He saw a need for a book dealing with basic poultry production and recruited others to help him develop one. He knew firsthand the value of poultry as a source of food and manure for...
  62. Chickens have very basic needs: food and water, adequate shelter and space, and predator protection. Chicken owners go to all different lengths to meet those needs, from the simplest to the very elaborate. The beauty of raising chickens is that there is no set formula and no way that you must do...
  63. 2004-01-01 This Agrodok booklet describes two hatching systems and the possibility to hatch without a thermostat. 2 Copies
  64. 2007-01-01 This 8-page fold-out leaflet, practical for use in the field and easy to read, covers the subject of rearing indigenous chickens. It gives some background to the subject, outlines processes and provides tips, tables and explanatory line drawings.
  65. 1992-10-19 Donkey power to the women Interviewing cows Policies promoting pastoralists Holistic resource management Livestock fertiliser factories Nutrient cycle Poultry in the backyard Animal traction Do-it-yourself vet services
  66. Abstract,European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 2021 A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of management, breed, and their interaction on growth performance, egg production, and survivability under on-station and on-farm management conditions in Tanzania. A total of 1200...
  67. 2012-06-20 This paper outlines the specific characteristics of poultry litter (PL) biochar based on existing research and literature, a limited number of demonstration projects in the US, and the potential market opportunities for this type of biochar. It highlights the general characteristics of PL...